
Swine, SRC and poultry lameness

Swine orthopedics

Regular foot trimming is necessary.  25% of visits for one hospital were due to lameness related to overgrown digits.

Pot bellied pigs like to jump off things. They tend to fracture the distal aspect of the humerus. This is weird as the humerus does not typically fracture unless high energy forces are applied. This predisposition has been theorized to be due to incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle, similar to a condition in Cocker, Springer and Brittany Spaniels.  The condition may be inherited.  The current recommendation is to radiograph the elbow area in any pig with forelimb lameness, even if mild. The fractures may occur early on in life, with the lameness related to the development of arthritis or may occur due to weakness in the abnormal bone.

Pig elbows ranging from normal (left) to partial arthrodesis (right). Most were presented for acute forelimb lameness with the exam centered elsewhere on the limb.

Fast growing swine are prone to osteochondrosis. As with other species, males predominate. The most common findings are subchondral cysts in the medial femoral condyle and in the trochlea of the humerus.  Osteochondrosis is typically not treated in market swine. Pet pig owners or rescue-type groups may present their animals for treatment that might not otherwise be performed.

Osteochondrosis, femoral condyle. https://www.pig333.com/articles/lameness-and-nutrition_14681/



INCOMPLETE OSSIFICATION OF THE HUMERAL CONDYLE IN VIETNAMESE POT‐BELLIED PIGS. Veterinary radiology & ultrasound, 2000-03, Vol.41 (2), p.147-153

Incomplete ossification of the canine humeral condyle, Vet Practice 2009

Osteochondrosis in swine, Dr. Zhitnitskiy



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Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes Copyright © by Erin Malone, DVM, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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