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Equine ambulatory practice
Food animal ambulatory practice
Pigs, poultry and more
General approach to surgery and anesthesia in large animals
Perioperative medications
Local anesthesia
Anesthesia overview
Anesthesia induction agents
Anesthesia maintenance agents
Drug Dosing, Concentrations and Recipes
Pharmacology terms
Practice: Adjusting drug frequency and doses for neonates
Equine NSAIDs and Analgesics
Equine Antibiotics
Equine Sedatives and Calming agents
Equine Standing Sedation Protocols
Equine General Anesthesia Protocols and Procedures
Practice: NSAID review
Practice: Selecting equine drugs and protocols
Food Animal NSAIDs and Analgesics
Food Animal Antibiotics
Food Animal Sedatives
Food Animal Standing Sedation Protocols
Food Animal General Anesthesia Protocols and Procedures
Small ruminant analgesia, sedation and anesthesia
Camelid Analgesia, Sedation and Anesthesia
Swine Analgesia, Sedation and Anesthesia
Pregnant animal anesthesia
Practice: FA drugs and protocols
For Future Reference - Create a drug reference table
Regulatory Concerns
Navigating FARAD
FA Drug Regulation Summary
Organic and alternative farming
Exercise 1 Finding approved drugs
Exercise 2 AMDUCA
Exercise 3 Illegal and restricted use drugs
Exercise 4 Identifying withholding times
Exercise 5 MUMS Act
Exercise 6 Extrapolating withholding data
Exercise 7 Understanding half lives
Challenge yourself!
Skin incisions
Suture material
Suture table
Suture choice practice
Suturing - Instrument holding
Suturing - skin closure
Suturing- intradermal/subcuticular pattern
Suturing - tension relieving suture patterns
Suturing - split thickness and corner stitch
Suturing - inverting suture patterns
Knots - Forwarder and Aberdeen
Knots - burying the knot
Knots - finishing the Ford Interlocking
Closing wounds under tension
Fixing suture issues
Rope restraint
Differentials and diagnostics
Abscesses related to systemic infections
Squamous cell carcinoma
Field treatment options
How to - Mass Removal
Wound healing overview
Wound management overview
Evaluation for critical structure damage
Evaluation for factors that impair wound healing
Common complications
Wound evaluation
Wound management
Body cavity involvement
Vascular damage
Synovial involvement
Flexor tendon damage
Bone damage
Skin loss and exuberant granulation tissue
Extensor tendon damage
Wound bandaging
Stall rest management
Puncture wounds
Bite wounds
Heel bulb lacerations
Non healing wounds
Oral masses
Salivary disorders
Dental surgery
Jaw fractures
Miscellaneous oral cavity disorders
Esophageal anatomy and surgery
Esophageal obstruction (choke)
Esophageal stricture
Esophageal perforation
Miscellaneous esophageal abnormalities
Rectal tears
Rectal prolapses
Perirectal abscesses and other disorders
Anatomy review in video
Physiology review
Colic Pathophysiology
The field colic - approach and management
Field diagnostics
Gas and impaction colics
Indications for surgery
Stabilization and Referral
Surgical Complications and Post-Operative Care
Preventing colic
Gastric lesions
Small intestinal lesions
Cecal lesions
Large colon lesions
Small colon lesions
Impactions - stomach and small intestine
Impactions - cecal, colon and small colon
Gas colics and Displacements
Torsions and entrapments (hernias)
Inflammation related colics
Infarctions and intussusceptions
Motility disorders
Age group and colics
Colic by breed, sex and job
Ruminant Anatomy and Physiology review
Bovine GI Surgical Disorders
Forestomach disorders and surgery
Hardware disease
How to - Rumenotomy
How to - Rumenostomy
Abomasal displacement
Abomasal volvulus
How to - Right flank omentopexy/antropexy
How to - Right paramedian abomasopexy
Other abomasal disorders
Small Intestinal diseases
Duodenal Outflow Problems
Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome
Cecal dilation
How to - Typhlotomy
Colon and rectal disorders
Small ruminant and Camelid GI disorders
Porcine GI issues
How to - Rectal prolapse submucosal resection
How to - Rectal prolapse amputation
Ruminant Pings
Abdominal ultrasound
Abdominal contour
Rectal examination
Other diagnostics
Choosing a surgical approach
How to - Standing GI Surgery
How to - Bovine Abdominal Exploratory- Right
How to - Bovine Abdominal Exploratory- Left
Diagnostics Practice- Monopoly Team A
Diagnostics Practice - Monopoly Team B
Palpation anatomy- forelimb
Palpation anatomy- hindlimb
Distal limb bones review
Forelimb nerve anatomy
The parts of a lameness examination
Interpreting the lameness examination
How to - Nerve and joint blocks
Lameness skills self assessment
Gait abnormalities
Nerve block challenge questions
Nerve block challenge answers
Foot anatomy
Foot anatomy -imaging
Shoes and pads - an introduction
Foot conformation
Subsolar (hoof) abscesses
Solar bruising & corns
Laminitis cases
Navicular syndrome
How to - Palmar digital neurectomy
Navicular syndrome cases
Other foot conditions
Tendon and ligament anatomy
Tendon and ligament structure and function
Tendonitis and desmitis
Tendon sheaths and tenosynovitis
Suspensory degeneration
Flexural limb deformities
Flexural deformity pathogenesis
How to - Inferior check desmotomy
Tendon laxity
Joint anatomy and function
Septic joints
Hock joint problems
Carpal joint problems
Bone remodeling and healing
Splint bone disorders
Dorsal cortical fractures
Neck, back and pelvic pain
Physeal disorders
Angular limb deformities (ALDs)
Muscle structure and function
Muscle tears and trauma
Arterial damage
Nerve damage
Joint and tendon luxations
Lacerations involving synovial structures
Tendon and ligament injuries
Limb fractures
Bovine Foot Anatomy
Bovine Lameness
Approach to the lame cow
Bovine Living Quarters
Digital Dermatitis
Foot Rot
Sole ulcers
White line disease
Dairy cow lameness decision tree
Toe abscesses (toe tip necrosis)
Interdigital hyperplasia
Hoof wall and conformation abnormalities
Pedal bone fractures
Foot sepsis
Functional hoof trimming
How to - Apply hoof block
How to - Digit amputation
Interdigital dermatitis complex
Synovial structure disorders
Tendon and ligament issues
Neuromuscular conditions
Neonatal musculoskeletal injuries
Adult fractures and luxations
How to - Cast application
Small ruminant orthopedics
Camelid orthopedics
Swine orthopedics
Orthopedic Emergencies- SRC and pet pigs
Limb amputations
How to - Forelimb amputation
How to - Hindlimb amputation
Equine Castration Overview
Field anesthesia for equine castration
Recumbent castration
Castration complications
Castration Summary Points
How to - Equine Castration, Recumbent
Camelid Castration
How to - Camelid castration
Practice: Equine and camelid castration
Practice: Postoperative care for equine castration
Donkey castration
Inguinal hernias
Standing equine castration
Bovine castration
Small ruminant castration
Piglet castration
How to - Open castration
FA Inguinal Hernias
FA cryptorchidism
Disbudding and dehorning
How to - Surgical (cosmetic) dehorning
Tail docks
How to - Tail Dock - Adult
Ocular blocks
Eyelid lacerations
How to - Eyelid laceration repair
Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Eyelid mass removal
How to - Eyelid H plasty
How to - Exenteration
How to - Subconjunctival injection
Nasal Discharge
Nostrils and nasal conchae
Paranasal sinus disease
How to - Sinus trephination
Upper respiratory endoscopy
Pharyngeal disorders
Guttural pouch disorders
Laryngeal disorders
Practice Level A
Practice Level C
Practice Endoscopy 1
Practice Endoscopy 2
Practice Endoscopy 3
Tracheal disorders
Pleural space disorders
How to - Temporary tracheotomy
Practice - tracheotomies
Umbilical hernias
Umbilical infections
How to - Umbilical herniorrhaphy
Patent urachus
Practice- Level A
Ectopic ureters
Equine hematuria
Equine urolithiasis
How to - Perineal urethrotomy, equine
Ruminant urolithiasis
How to - Tube cystotomy
How to - Penile amputation
How to - Perineal urethrostomy, ruminant
Ruptured bladders- foals
Ruptured bladders - ruminants
Ruptured urethras
Practice - Urinary, bladder, umbilicus
Teaser animals
How to - Unilateral castration
How to - Vasectomy
How to - Epididymectomy
How to - Penile translocation
Penile Issues
Penile hematoma
Preputial issues
Preputial wounds
Seminal vesiculitis
Cranium - Male Urogenital Surgery
Practice - Cranium Team A
Practice - Cranium Team B
Penile and preputial neoplasia
How to - Preputial resection
Perineal analgesia
Perineal anatomy, trauma and repair
Urine pooling, perineal body transection and urethral extension
How to - Caslick's suture
How to - Perineal body reconstruction
How to - Perineal body transection
How to - Urethral extension
Rectovaginal lacerations
How to - 3rd degree rectovaginal tear repair
Vaginal prolapses
How to - Buhner stitch
How to - Minchev pexy
How to - Cervicopexy
How to - Colpotomy
Udder anatomy and physiology
Teat and udder diagnostics
Teat trauma
Teat laceration repair
Milk flow issues- no milk flow
Milk flow issues - too slow or too fast
Udder disorders and surgery
How to - Goat Mastectomy
Other stuff
Left flank Cesarean section
Other approaches and species
How to - Left Flank Csection
Pregnancy and drugs
Uterine torsions
Exercises - Bovine standing Csection
Vaginal prolapses, rectovaginal trauma and repair of injured structures
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Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes Copyright © by Erin Malone, DVM, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.