Equine podiatry
Identifying and Treating Thrush in Horses (Kaltura version w/ captions)
Dr. F Tóth notes
Thrush -Degenerative condition of the frog & surrounding tissues caused by infection with keratolytic organisms
Fusobacterium necrophorum appears to be the most important organism. This opportunistic organism can thrive with poor sanitation or persistent wet conditions. External risk factors include sole pads that keep the sole moist, confinement and muddy paddocks. Horse risk factors include poor conformation with deep frog sulci and/or sheared heels (image below).
Thrush is rarely encountered in a healthy frog, prevention and treatment is focused on good basic farrier practices.
Clinical signs
Thrush is characterized by black, necrotic, foul-smelling material in central sulcus or collateral sulci of frog. Generally the infection is restricted to the frog and sulci but it can involve the digital cushion and skin at the heel bulbs.
The infection leads to deep sulci and eventually an atrophied frog. If the sensitive tissues (beyond the frog) are involved, lameness may be present.
- Clean feet daily
- Remove necrotic tissue
- Apply drying agent to foot
- Foot soaks in chlorine bleach [30 mL (1 oz) of bleach in 5L water]
- Miconazole (Lotrimin) plus neomycin (50/50 mixture)
- Bandage (if needed for protection)
- Trim foot (if indicated)
- Improve sanitation (if indicated)
Treating hoof thrush (Kaltura version w/ captions)
Treating Thrush.wmv (Kaltura version w/ captions)
Good for full recovery
Key Takeaways
Wet feet with deep frog crevices get thrush.
- Foul smelling, black gunk in frog
- Occurs due to excessive moisture
- Dry the foot and treat with various compounds
Equine nonproliferative pododermatitis of the frog (thrush):A review October 2024. Equine Veterinary Education 37(6)- great pics of thrush as well as the conditions that predispose to thrush
Thrush in horses, Merck Manual