Equine Colic Types
Small colon lesions
Predispositions to disease
-smaller diameter than colon = site of obstruction of stones and fecoliths
-mesentery (and vascular supply) can tear off with extensive rectal prolapse ; this means the bowel dies
-Arabs, minis, ponies and younger horses are predisposed to small colon lesions (better able to maintain hydration by removing water from ingesta?)
Clinical signs
- mild signs of pain – usually simple obstruction; younger horses can seem pretty painful
- slow deterioration in condition
Even with vascular compromise, initial transient signs of severe abdominal pain -> depression and less severe pain
3. potentially associated with greater risk of Salmonellosis
This is a poor area for healing
- high mural collagenase
- poor blood supply
- high bacterial counts
- firm formed manure passes by
Ponies, miniatures, and younger equids are at higher risk of fecalith obstruction compared to a general colic population. JAVMA | APRIL 2024 | VOL 262 | NO. 4