Equine and Camelid Castration
Camelid Castration
Llamas are castrated after they are at least 18 months of age unless behavioral issues develop earlier. Llamas are slower to mature than many other species and need more time to develop. If castrated too early, they develop very straight hindlimbs and this can lead to stifle issues. Alpacas can be castrated at a slightly younger age as they seem to have fewer issues with early castration.
Preoperative medications
Camelids should be vaccinated for tetanus toxoid and receive preoperative NSAIDs, typically flunixin meglumine. Oral meloxicam can be used but needs to be given a few hours in advance to be present at sufficient blood levels at the time of surgery. Due to their small testicles, recovery is straightforward and the infection risk is low.
Llama lullaby is the standard anesthetic protocol (given im), with alpacas being less sensitive and needing more drug per kg bodyweight. Due to the risk of regurgitation and aspiration, animals should be fasted for at least 12 hours. Similarly, the head should be positioned to ensure any saliva or regurgitant drains out of the mouth vs down into the lungs. Atropine is avoided as it thickens salivary secretions.
Local anesthesia minimizes the need for other drugs and lowers the pain levels postoperatively. Cord blocks or testicular blocks should be performed.
Camelids can be castrated like big dogs or like small horses. Either a prescrotal or scrotal incision can be used. The testicular artery can be emasculated or ligated. The incisions can be closed or left open.
Once the procedure is completed, the animal should be propped into sternal with the head supported until the animal can support it himself.
Postoperative care
The animal should be monitored for appetite and attitude as well for any bleeding or eventration but complications are very rare.
Male like behavior usually lessens within 24 hours but, at least in other species, males may be fertile for at least 6 weeks. (Little information is available for camelids). Occasionally male behavior is learned and does not fade with castration.
Special conditions
Cryptorchidism is rare but missing testicles can be hard to find.
Inguinal herniation is very rare.
Level A Exercises
Review your anesthesia info:
Earlier today you castrated a 2 yo alpaca. Flies were bad so that affected your choice of procedures. It had been 6 months since he had his spring shots but he was otherwise healthy and there were no complications. Please fill out the following surgery report.
Camelid sedation and anesthesia
Routine Camelid Procedures – Part 1: Castration of Alpacas and Llamas, 2019 VetFolio
Ch 62 Reproductive surgery in Llama and Alpaca Care
Ch 64 Castration in Veterinary techniques for llamas and alpacas