Large animal wounds
Bite wounds
Small ruminants and pot bellied pigs are often presented for bite wounds from dogs. Bite wounds are associated with ripping and tearing as well as oral bacteria. The ripping and tearing pulls skin away from the subcutis, creating potential for seromas and infection in the dead space. The oral bacteria is usually a wide variety of many pathogenic organisms. Keeping the area clean and oxygenated helps minimize the need for heavy duty antibiotics. Closure is usually contraindicated due to the deadspace and bacterial population. The torso is generally affected and bandaging can help provide pressure to the area, minimizing seroma formation. Penrose drains may also help. Drainage is important even if means more holes.
Bite wounds to larger animals may be associated with rabies. Take precautions.
Management of penetrating thoracic wounds from a dog attack in a Nigerian dwarf goat: A case report. Can Vet J 2023;64:1109–1113