Female urogenital surgery


Ovariectomy is performed to remove abnormal ovaries, for uterus unicornus (stop ovulation on the side with the missing horn), to improve production in feedlots and to allow shipment of cattle from TB regions.

Ovariectomy can be done transvaginally through a colpotomy incision or via the flank. If exposure is expected to be challenging, the cow can be cast into lateral recumbency and the upper limb retracted. This puts the ovaries right under an incision made in the caudal flank.

Special instruments exist to assist heifer spaying. An ecraseur is effective in older animals but requires a flank incision or larger colpotomy.

As with Csections, avoid xylazine. Epinephrine (10 ml of 1:1000 epinephine into cow) does relax the uterus and is reversible with oxyocin.

To avoid adhesions, 3% glycerol in saline  or glycerin USP can be used topically in the area. Mix 30 mls in a bottle of saline.

Dr. Nagorske’s team doing a flank ovariectomy – video

Ecraseur ovariectomy via colpotomy – video

How to – colpotomy



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Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes Copyright © by Erin Malone, DVM, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.