
Grammar point 5.3. Hindi Compound Verb Construction 3

Hindi Compound verb (V1 V2 construction (Present participial form of V1 + रहना V2 = to keep on V1) as in मैं उनके अनुरोध को टालता रहा हूँ. I have kept on avoiding their request.

This construction is composed of two verbs (V1V2). V1 is in the present participial form of a verb, and any verb can occur as V1. Only रहना can occur as V2, and V2 receives all the inflections for tense, number and gender of the subject. The present participial form of the V1 has to agree with the number and gender of the subject.

Look at the following examples.

मैं रात भर किताब पढ़ती रही | मैं रात भर किताब पढ़ती रहती हूँ | मैं रात भर किताब पढ़ती रहूँगी |
I kept reading the book all night. I keep reading the book all night. I will keep reading the book all night.

मेरे मित्र मुझसे गुजारिश करते रहे हैं |
व्यायाम करते वक़्त (at the time of working out/exercising) वह गाने सुनती रहती है |
वह सुबह दस बजे तक सोता रहता है |

(Ex.3.1) Complete the following sentences using the V1 + रहना compound verb construction that denote the meaning of habitual action in any tense.

Ex.: वह (m.)सारे दिन वीडियो गेम (खेलना रहना)—वह सारे दिन वीडियो गेम खेलता रहता है ।

  1. मेरे पड़ोसी का कुत्ता पूरे दिन (भौंकना रहना) |
  2. उसके घर में दिन भर टीवी (चलना रहना) |
  3. वे बच्चे हमेशा बाहर (खेलना रहना)|
  4. वह लड़की खाना (खाना रहना) |
  5. परीक्षा के वक़्त विद्यार्थी रात भर (पढ़ना रहना) |
  6. वह (m.) रात को अपने घरवालों से स्काइप में/पर (बातें करना रहना) |

(Ex. 3.2) Translate the following sentences into Hindi.

  1. My grandmother keeps on watching TV all day.
  2. He keeps on teaching free classes every month.
  3. They (m) keep on going to Wisconsin.
  4. I keep on drinking tea during winter.
  5. She keeps on looking out of the window.
  6. The children keep on arriving/being late for school.
  7. They (f) keep on talking on the phone.
  8. He keeps on studying in the library.


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