
Grammar Notes 4.3: The Verb मिलना

The verb मिलना has a unique behavior in Hindi. It expresses a range of meanings, and the subject usually takes the postposition को. We will take all the meanings and behavior patterns in this section. Depending on the context, the verb मिलना takes all these meanings; to meet, to run into, to receive, to find, to be available.

मिलना – to meet or to run into. The verb is used with postposition को if someone accidentally meets (run into) someone.

आज मुझको दुकान पर अशोक मिला। I saw (met) Ashok today at the shop.
वह मुझको अक्सर बाज़ार में घूमता मिलता है। I often find him wandering in the market.


The verb मिलना behaves like a regular verb (subject in Nominative) when the meeting is intentional. In that case the object takes the postposition से.

आज मैं अपने भाई से साल भर बाद मिलूंगा। I will meet my brother today after a whole year.
वे अगले हफ़्ते मुझसे मिलने आ रहे हैं। They are coming to meet me next week.


The parting greeting (“see you”) in Hindi is also made with the verb मिलना.

 फिर मिलेंगे! (will) see you again! (lit. meet you)
मिलते हैं! See you! (lit. meet you)


मिलना – to receive/get. The subject takes को and the verb is dictated by the object in number and gender.

उसको अच्छी तनख़्वाह मिलती है। He gets a good salary.
सबको अपने बुरे कर्मों का फल मिलेगा। Everybody will receive the result of their bad karma.


मिलना – to find. The subject takes को and the verb is dictated by the object in number and gender.

माँ, मुझको अपने जूते नहीं मिल रहे हैं। Mom, I can’t find my shoes.
तुमको अच्छे कपड़े इस बाज़ार में कहीं नहीं मिलेंगे। You will not find good clothes anywhere in this market.


मिलना – to be available. It is a similar shade of meaning such as “to find”, where the subject is not necessary and dropped.

दिल्ली में सबसे अच्छे परांठे चांदनी चौक में मिलते हैं। The best paranthas in Delhi are (available) in Chandni Chauk.
सस्ता सामन तो सिर्फ़ सेल पर ही मिलता है। Cheap goods are only available on sale.


मिलना – to resemble/ to be similar. In this meaning, the verb behaves like an ordinary verb, with the subject in nominative and the object taking the postposition से.

वह अपने बड़े भाई से बहुत मिलता है| He resembles his older brother a lot.
यह घर हमारे गांव के घर से बहुत मिलता है| This house is very similar to our house in the village.


(3.1.) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb मिलना

(3.2.) Translate using the verb मिलना

  1. I get a small pocket money for my school.
  2. You can find everything in this market.
  3. Today we ran into our old school friend.
  4. I don’t like him, I will not meet him again.
  5. We will not see each other for next two weeks.
  6. Our cars are very similar, the model and the color are same.
a. अगले साल नई नौकरी में उसको अच्छा वेतन ______ ।
b. जब मैं स्कूल में था, मुझे जेबख़र्च नहीं _______।
c. मेरी घड़ी खो गई है, कहीं नहीं _________।
d. अच्छे जूते सिर्फ़ इस बाज़ार में _______।
e. पिछले हफ़्ते मुझे एक पुराना दोस्त _______।
f. दोनों भाइयों की शक्लें बहुत ________|


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