Grammar Notes 3.2: Participles as Adverbs
Participles as adverbs
Imperfective participles can also serve as adverbs. The form of the adverbial participle is obtained by adding ending in –ए, as in: चलते हुए or by duplicating the –ए ending participle as in: चलते चलते. This adverbial use expresses that something happens along with the main action. The English translation can be “while -ing…” as in: while walking चलते चलते .
उसने चलते चलते कहा। | He said (it) while walking. |
खाते हुए बात नहीं करनी चाहिए। | One should not talk while eating. |
Some verbs take perfective participles for such adverbial expressions:
बैठे हुए (बैठना) – while sitting
लेटे हुए (लेटना) – while lying
आँखे बंद किए हुए (करना) – with closed eyes
सब बैठे हुए गप्पे मार रहे थे| | Everybody was sitting and gossiping. |
वह आँखें बंद किये हुए गा रहा था| | He was singing with his eyes closed. |
Similar meaning is also expressed with the duplication of perfective participles in some cases.
बैठे बैठे (बैठना) – while sitting
लेटे लेटे (लेटना) – while lying
छोटा बच्चा बैठे बैठे सो गया। | The baby fell asleep while sitting. |
तुम बहुत बीमार हो, उठो मत, लेटे लेटे ही बात करते रहो। | You are very sick, don’t get up, just keep talking while lying down. |
(2.1.) Combine the given two sentences using participles as adverbs.
- बच्चा दौड़ रहा था। वह गिर पड़ा।
- हम पॉपकॉर्न खा रहे थे। हम फ़िल्म देख रहे थे।
- छोटी लड़की रो रही थी। और साथ साथ दूध पी रही थी।
- वह भाषण दे रहा था| वह रोने लगा|
- मेरी माँ खाना बनाती है| और साथ साथ रेडियो सुनती है|
(2.2.) Fill in the blanks with adverbial form of the given verb.
b. हम सब पार्टी में गाने ________ नाच रहे थे। (गाना)
c. मैं टीवी ___________ सो गया। (देखना)
d. वह गाने ________ होमवर्क करता है| (सुनना)
e. हम सब ने इस फैक्टरी में 50 साल से काम _______ देखा है कि यह शहर कैसे फैला| (करना)
(2.3.) Fill in the blanks with the perfective participle as adverb of the given verbs.
b. मेरी बहन सर ______ बात करती है| (झुकाना)
c. पिताजी _______ बोले| (लेटना)
(2.4.) Translate the following sentences.
a. The small baby came crying to his mother.
b. I am tired of working (while working).
c. They are all sitting and waiting for you there.
d. He started crying while listening to the beautiful song.