
Grammar Notes 10.2: वाला construction

वाला is a suffix which can be attached to a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or a verb. It changes its form in वाली/वाले depending on the gender and number of the noun.

Noun + वाला

When a noun is followed by वाला, the noun changes in oblique form. It refers to the person or thing who/that is attached to that noun.
चाय + वाला = चायवाला one who sells tea.
अख़बार + वाला = अखबारवाला one who sells newspaper
दूध + वाला = दूधवाला one who sells milk
सब्जी + वाला = सब्जीवाला one who sells vegetable
फल + वाला = फलवाला one who sells fruits
फल + वाली = फलवाली one who sells fruits
घर + वाली = घरवाली wife
बच्चे + वाले = बच्चेवाले people who have kids.
कार + वाले = कारवाले people who have car.

Adjective + वाला

वाला can be attached to an adjective which is used to point out one thing out of many. वाला when attached to an adjective changes its form based on the number and person of the noun.
सुन्दर + वाला = सुन्दरवाला;

वह सुन्दरवाली कमीज़ दीजिए| Please give that beautiful shirt.

अच्छा + वाला = अच्छावाला

वह अच्छीवाली कलम महँगी है| That good pen is expensive.

ताज़ा + वाला = ताज़ावाला

ताज़ावाले फल सेहत के लिए अच्छे होते हैं| Fresh fruits are good for health.

नीला + वाला = नीलावाला

मुझे नीलावाली साड़ी पसंद है| I like that blue sari.

लाल + वाला = लालवाला

वह लालवाला घर मेरा है| That red house is mine.

Adverb + वाला

वाला can be attached to an adverb, it changes that adverb into adjective.
For example:
अन्दर + वाला = अन्दरवाला

अन्दरवाला कमरा मेरा है| The inside room is mine.

ऊपर + वाला = ऊपरवाला

ऊपरवाला सब जानता है| God knows everything.

नीचे + वाला = नीचेवाला

नीचेवाला कमरा साफ़ है| The room that is below is clean

पास + वाला = पासवाला
मेरे घर के पासवाले बागीचे में बहुत से फूल हैं| There are lots of flowers in a garden nearby my house.
बाहर + वाला = बाहरवाला

बाहरवाले मेरे घर के अंदर नहीं आते हैं| Outsiders do not come inside my house.

Infinitive + वाला

वाला can be attached to the infinitive form of a verb. Infinitive form of a verb changes in oblique form.
Infinitive + वाला can be used to express:

(a) one who is the doer of that action.

For example:
खेलना + वाला = खेलनेवाला

राहुल अच्छा खेलनेवाला है| Rahul is a good player.

खाना + वाला = खानेवाला
अच्छा खाना खानेवाले पैसों की परवाह नहीं करते|

People who eat good food do not care about money.

आना + वाला = आनेवाला

मेरे घर आनेवालों की कमी नहीं है| There is no scarcity of visitors at my house.

(b) that action is about to take place.

पीना + वाला = पीनेवाला

वह जूस पीनेवाला है| He is about to drink juice.

जाना + वाला = जानेवाला

मेरी बस जानेवाली है| My bus is about to leave.

सोना + वाला = सोनेवाला

बच्चे सोनेवाले हैं| The kids are about to sleep.

आना + वाला = आनेवाला

राधा यहाँ आनेवाली है| Radha is about to come here.

खेलना + वाला = खेलनेवाला

लड़के क्रिकेट खेलनेवाले हैं| Boys are about to play cricket.

Exercise 2.1

Form nouns by adding वाला suffix to the following nouns then make a sentence with each word.

  1. फ़िल्म
  2. मिठाई
  3. हिन्दी
  4. स्कूल
  5. सड़क
  6. फ़ोन
  7. दौलत
  8. दिल
  9. दिमाग
  10. होश

Exercise 2.2

Form a new word by adding वाला suffix to the following adjectives then make a sentence with each word.

  1. बुरा
  2. भला
  3. बदमाश
  4. तेज़
  5. सर्दी
  6. गर्मी
  7. साफ़
  8. गंदा
  9. होशियार
  10. पीला

Exercise 2.3

Form a new adjective by adding वाला suffix to the following adverb then make a sentence with each word.

  1. आगे
  2. पीछे
  3. धीमा
  4. बगल
  5. सामने
  6. आस-पास
  7. करीब
  8. दूर
  9. सुबह
  10. शाम


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