Chapter 3. Common Native Grasses of the Northern Midwest
3.9 Tufted hairgrass

Deschampsia cespitosa
Cool season; Perennial
Characteristics: 3–4’; mound; foliage dark green; flowers beige
Growing Conditions: average to wet soils; sun to shade; hardy zones 3–9
This mound-forming grass requires moisture to establish. It is semi-evergreen, and one of the first grasses to grow in the spring. Foliage may show rust, but it is not fatal.
- ‘Bronzeschleier’: bronze veil hairgrass, flowers are darker, more bronze colored.
- ‘Goldstaub’: gold dust hairgrass, shorter, only 1–2’, beautiful mound habit.
- ‘Schottland’: Scotland hairgrass, yellow flowers, 2–3’, most common nativar.
Associated Lepidoptera:
No records of Lepidoptera feeding on tufted hairgrass were found in the literature, but further research into Lepidoptera larval habits may discover associations in the future.
A cultivar of a native plant.
The order that includes butterflies and moths.