
Capítulo 2: Marketing

2.1: Vocabulario

Joan Sorolla – Look at that! Isn’t he funny? – CC BY 2.0.

Verb meaning
Abastecer to supply
Captar to capture
Colocarse to position oneself
Contratar to hire
Desechar to throw away
Dirigirse to address
Emplazar to locate/to place
Emprender to undertake
Estar de moda to be in fashion
Estar dispuesto a to be willing to
Exponer to put on display
Fabricar to manufacture
Lanzar to launch
Proporcionar to provide
Rebajar to discount
Retener to retain
Teñir to dye hair or cloth
Valer to cost/to be worth
Adjective meaning
Asequible affordable
Escaso/a scarce
Expectante anxious
Fijo fixed (cost)
Gratuito/a free
Lujoso/a luxurious
Mercantil (related to marketing)
Publicitaria advertising
Rentable profitable
Transitada busy
Variable variable (cost)
Noun meaning
Abastecimiento sourcing
Agencia de publicidad advertising agency
Almacenaje warehousing/storage
Alquiler rent
Auge boom/growth
Bata dressing gown
Cadena de abastecimiento o suministro supply chain
Cliente customer
Costurero tailor
Coyuntura circumstances
Datos information
Descuento discount
Diseñador designer
Escaparate store window
Escasez scarcity
Fabricante manufacturer
Fidelización gaining loyalty
Flete freight
Fondo de maniobra working capital
Franquicia franchise
Gama range (of products)
Gerente boss
Intermediario middleman
Lanzamiento launch
Letrero sign
Línea (product) line
Logística logistics
Marca brand
Margen de beneficio profit margin
Moda rápida fast fashion
Novedades new arrivals
Oferta y demanda supply and demand
Ofertas sales
Países en vías de desarrollo developing countries
Patrón pattern
Portada cover page
Prenda item of clothing
Prensa press
Propaganda advertising
Proveedor supplier
Público objetivo target market
Publicidad advertising/publicity
Recargo surcharge
Riesgo risk
Seguro insurance
Taller de costura sewing workshops
Tendencia trend
Transporte transportation
Ubicación location/position
Valla publicitaria billboard
Venta (al por mayor / al por menor) sale (wholesale / retail)


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