
Capítulo 1: Los Procesos Comerciales

1.1: Vocabulario

Praia de Carnota – Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez – CC BY-SA 3.0.



Verb meaning
Aconsejar to advise
Diseñar design
Elaborar to manufacture, produce
Ensamblar to assemble
Establecer to establish
Exigir to demand, require
Fomentar to promote
Invertir to invest
Minar to mine
Plantar to plant
Promover to promote
Proporcionar to provide
Superar to lead, to surpass
Vender to sell
Adjective meaning
Agrícola agricultural
Consumista consumerist
Emprendedor/a enterprising
agropecuaria agricultural (industry)
constructora construction (industry)
transformadora manufacturing (industry)
Promocional promotional, advertising
Publicitario advertising
Noun meaning
Agricultor farmer
Alimentación food, feeding
Asesoramiento advice
Balanza comercial trade balance
Bodega winery
Cata/degustación tasting
Comarca region (used in Spain and some parts of Central America)
Comerciante dealer, businessperson
Compañía company
Consumo consumption, purchase, use
Cuota share
Demanda demand
Detallista retailer
EE.UU. United States
Embalaje packaging
Empresa company
Etiqueta label
Fábrica factory
Feria trade show
Gama range
Ganadero rancher
Gandadería ranching
Grandes superficies malls, shopping centers, department stores
Industria extractiva extractive industry
Intercambio exchange
Mano de obra workforce
Marca brand
Masificaciones crowds
Mayorista wholesaler
Minería mining
Minorista retailer
Obrero worker
Oferta supply
Pastor shepherd
Pastoreo shepherding
Patrimonio heritage, wealth
Patrón boss
Plantilla staff, personnel
Poder adquisitivo purchasing power
Políticas policies
Prescriptor de opinión tastemaker, influencer
Propietario owner
Sindicato union
Sindicalista unionizer
Sociedad anónima corporation
Socio partner
Suministrador supplier
Valor value
Vendimia grape harvest
Ventas sales
Vid grapevine


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