4.1 Chapter Objectives


 Learning Objectives

This chapter provides a general overview of genetics, with the goal of introducing topics to be developed in future chapters. By the end of your reading and our in-class discussion, you should be able to:

  1. Define the following terms:
    • genetics
    • genes
    • nucleic acid
    • chromosome
    • protein
    • mutation
    • genotype
    • phenotype
    • codon
    • amino acid
    • allele
  2. Justify, with an example, this statement: genotype and the environment combine to make phenotype.
  3. Explain the connection between gene, allele, chromosome, and DNA.
  4. Describe, in general, what DNA does.
  5. Explain the basic science of paternity testing.

Content on this page was originally published in The Evolution and Biology of Sex by Sehoya Cotner & Deena Wassenberg and is reproduced here in compliance with the original CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.


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Introduction to the Evolution & Biology of Sex Copyright © by Katherine Furniss and Sarah Hammarlund is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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