
12.2 What do we mean by “Sexual Orientation?”

What do you think?

Think about the following questions. For each statement, decide whether you think it is true or false.

  • Homosexuality is widespread in non-human animals
  • Homosexuality is widespread in human cultures
  • Bisexuality is more common that strict, lifelong homosexuality
  • Bisexuality is extremely uncommon
  • There is no compelling evidence that homosexuality is genetically influenced
  • Birth order may be associated with the occurrence of homosexuality
  • Homosexuality is the product of evolution
  • Homosexuality may be the product of natural selection
  • Homophobia is only seen in humans
  • Homophobia may be the product of natural selection

Ask yourself: what questions do you have about homosexuality?

Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation is an umbrella term that is used to refer to patterns of attraction—sexual, romantic, or both. Under this umbrella, individuals may assort themselves into categories such as homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, and asexual.

Key terminology

You’ll find an excellent overview of terms at this resource from Planned Parenthood. Disclaimer: Planned Parenthood is seen by many in a political light. Our intent with the above link is not to be political, rather Planned Parenthood’s discussion of terms was superior to that of other sources. Our intent is to share the best available content with our students.

This statement from the American Psychiatric Association is also helpful. In 1973, the APA finally removed homosexuality from their list of mental illnesses. The statement above is their current perspective.


You’ll notice that people often use qualifiers like “may,” and “often” when defining terms related to sexuality. This pattern should serve as a clue that sexual orientation is COMPLICATED, and our understanding of the diversity of presentations and identities is quickly changing.

What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender?

Sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate concepts. Sexual orientation describes who a person is attracted to, sexually. Gender identity is how someone feels inside about their own gender. See Chapter 8 about Sex and Gender for more information.



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Introduction to the Evolution & Biology of Sex Copyright © by Katherine Furniss and Sarah Hammarlund is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.