Living on a limited budget


Many veterinary students are on their own financially. Many support others. This can make it difficult to make ends meet. There is no shame in taking advantage of all your resources in order to be successful in this journey.

University resources

Nutritious U Food Pantry – for students


Mee Vang from the financial aid office will be available to answer questions during her outreach hours from 11 – 1 pm on Thursdays in 130 Coffey Hall. Walk-in only, no appointment is needed.
Please contact Mee directly with questions or to schedule an appointment at her Fraser Hall office (East Bank): or 612.624.0316.
Mee will be happy to help you with your financial aid questions:
  • Can I reduce a loan I already accepted?
  • Can my cost of attendance be adjusted?
  • Can I get additional funding for childcare expenses?
  • Is it possible to request more loan money?
  • How do scholarships impact my financial aid package?
  • How can I get help planning a monthly budget?
  • How can I manage my loan debt/ loan repayment?

See the UIll financial wellness toolkit

Twin cities resources

Community resources – diversity emphasis but wide ranging topics

Twin Cities multicultural resources– hair dressers to legal aid to religious communities and more

 Dress for success – great for job interviews, conferences, etc


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Well-being Handbook Copyright © 2019 by Erin Malone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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