15.12 Telephone
Trained interviewers call potential respondents on the telephone, often through random / automated dialing, and ask them a set of survey questions.
lower cost than face-to-face
PublicDomainImages – CC0 non-response rate is relatively low because interviewers can keep calling back until the respondent is home
interviewers can collect a large amount of data in a short time.
some portions of the population do not have access to a telephone
increasing numbers use a mobile phone exclusively and FCC rules say that automated dialing to mobile phones is illegal
many respondents are suspicious of telephone interviews, consider them a sales pitch
long or complicated questions are inappropriate over the phone
increasing numbers of people have put themselves on federal “do not call” lists that prohibit researchers from calling
Evaluating telephone interview survey data:
Were the questionnaire and individual questions appropriately brief?
Were the telephone banks staffed in a central location? (Telephone interviewers who work from home are subject to less supervision, obviously)
What instructions were the interviewers given about who in the household they should interview?