
6 Syringe Handling 1 ml/3ml and Practice Technique Using 2 Pieces of Tape

“The OK method for syringe handling”

Sue Spence DVM

One can use this method for blood draws-at any angle, cephalic venipuncture, jugular venipuncture, IM injections, local blocks, etc… 1cc and 3 cc syringes are quite easy to manage for most people, however, 6ml and 12 ml syringe sizes create more suction and in general are harder to pull the plunger back-balancing the force to hold the barrel while pulling plunger does take some practice and hand strength.  We also need to be cognizant of how hard to pull plunger so as not to collapse the vein when drawing blood, or lyse the cells, or what volume and how firmly to give an IM injection in a given muscle group in a given species.

In Farm animal practice and Equine practice it is quite comon to use 2 hands to manage the larger 25ml, 35ml and 60 ml syringes, and thats “OK!”

OK sign-thumb and index finger hold base of barrel 2nd, 3rd, 4th fingers operate plunger

YES it does take practice, AND its easier to teach your brain the OK way to hold syringe, vs. written instructions

Practice keeping the needle still by bracing your hand in some way, and try this practice technique:

Syringe Handling Practice Using 2 Pieces of Tape

Practice several times in a session and try to keep breathing  vs. holding your breath 🙂







Veterinary Clinical Skills Compendium Copyright © by Susan Spence. All Rights Reserved.