33 Local Anesthetic Intradermal Injections
Injections can be given via several routes its important to double check your labels and formulary-giving medications via the wrong route or wrong dose is a common in malpractice law suites. ALWAYS look it up! Verify and double check. everything. You will add to your knowledge base daily, know where to look things up from trusted sources, Google can lead you astray…
- What are the contraindications for this medication?
- What are the indications for this medication?
- Can this medication be given by this route?
- Is there a different dose via this route?
- What is the volume limit to this route?
- Can this medication be given to this species?
- Is there a holding time for this species?
- Is this medication too viscus to be given by this route-can it be diluted? and what is it compatible with?
In general here are the recommended angles of needle insertion for Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Injections, the angle of the needle helps to inject in the proper location