
53 Introduction to Clinical Skills and Tidy Up Time

Clinical Skills Labs run much more smoothly and you’ll get more out of them if you:

  1. Prepare for labs by reviewing the information available on the Canvas site-read rubric, watch videos and visualize and verbalize the steps.
  2. Come to lab with questions and be ready to “do.”  Many of these skills you won’t pick up right away, they need practice on your part.   We expect students to take many attempts to “get it” and encourage trying, exploring and trying again.
  3. Learning to self evaluate such as; what are the difficult bits for me, verses the easy bits for me,  and what you don’t understand are all fair questions to ask.
  4. Becoming comfortable giving and receiving feedback is important as we all will be doing this forever with co-workers, clients, friends and family and well…the world as professionals.
  5. Collect needed supplies from the supply Bakers Rack in student surgery.  Gathering supplies and thinking about what we need helps us learn what we need for a given task.  I tend to set things up in the order I need them and have them within arms reach (took a few attempts to get this
  6. Tidy Up Time when you are finished.  Please watch the augmented video below for details on what to put where, when the announcement for Tidy Up Time is given.
  7. We are here to help you! Clinical skills staff and house officers (interns and residents) and often your classmates as peer teachers can help fill in the gaps and often can explain things better than we can!

This year we are grouping several previously learned skills with new ones as they logically fit together in they would in clinical practice.  We hope this gives you some practice with setting up to perform a procedure and brings relevance to the skills and supplements your learning.

We have fun in clinical skills labs and maintain professional atmosphere.  We look forward to working with you in lab!

Please view this interactive Video below, and answer the couple of questions within it.

Thanks very much and see you in lab!



Veterinary Clinical Skills Compendium Copyright © by Susan Spence. All Rights Reserved.