29 Dissection kit and huck towel pack (to simulate sterile sx pack)
Simulated sterile pack using 2 towels, masking tape, steristrip and a Sharpie®pen
Your Dissection kit wrapped in 2 towels will simulate a double wrapped surgical pack. It is important to have the entire top of the Mayo table covered when pack open to simulate a proper sterile working area.
To build the double wrapped dissection kit with 2 towels do the following;
- Place open dissection kit as shown below on pre-placed towels on Mayo table in this orientation
- Place 4 huck towels, accordion folded next to the dissection kit (huck towels not shown in this particular picture),
- Place steristrip on top of dissection kit inside towel wrap (this strip turns black when exposed to high heat and pressure)
- Then fold towels over the dissection kit as shown in pictures below
- Place 2in masking tape with black stripes on it to simulate autoclave tape showing exposure to high heat (has been autoclaved) on outside of pack. Autoclave tape is expensive so use sparingly! It is NOT used to hold the wrap tight!
- Place 2in masking tape with 1) your name, 2) sx pack, and 3) date

Remember Steristrip and autoclave tape only indicate exposure to high heat and pressure…to assure proper sterilization capability of an autoclave, periodic biologic indicator test-determines if Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores remain viable or are killed during autoclave cycle. Organisms are killed by 121 degree Centigrade heat for 20 minutes (very convenient!). Other tests are also performed to be sure autoclave is working properly.