
Bibliography of Studies Pertaining to “The Death of Ivan Ilich”

Selected Bibliography – General Studies Secondary Sources

Aucouturier, Michel. Les récits de conversion: La mort d’Ivan Ilitch, La sonate à Kreutzer, Le Père Serge / Sémon, Marie Bibliothèque russe de l’Institut d’études slaves, 102 Cahiers Léon Tolstoï , 12; Variation: Bibliothèque russe de l’Institut d’études slaves ; 102; Cahiers Léon Tolstoï ; 12. Paris: Institut d’études slaves, 1998. Find.

Barrett, William. “Existentialism as a Symptom of Man’s Contemporary Crisis.” In Spiritual Problems in Contemporary Literature, edited by 139-52. edited by Stanley Hopper. New York: Harper, 1952. Find.

Bartell, James. “The Trauma of Birth in The Death of Ivan Ilych: A Therapeutic Reading.” Psychocultural Review: Interpretations in the Psychology of Art, Literature and Society 2 (1978 1978): 97–117. Find.

Borker, David. “Sentential Structure in Tolstoy’s Smert’ Ivana Il’icha.” In American Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists: Linguistics and Poetics, edited by H. Birnbaum, 1:180–95. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1978. Find.

Brombert, Victor. “The Ambiguity of ‘Ivan Ilych.’” Raritan: A Quarterly Review 26, no. 1 (Summer 2006): 152–62. Find.

Cain, T.G.S. Tolstoy. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1977. Find.

Carter, Steven. “Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich.’” The Explicator 62, no. 1 (2003 Fall 2003): 15–16. Find.

Cate, Hollis L. “On Death and Dying in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Llyich.” Hartford Studies in Literature 7 (1975): 195–205. Find.

Christian, R.F. Tolstoy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Find.

Clive, Geoffrey. “Tolstoy and the Varieties of the Inauthentic.” In The Broken Icon: Intuitive Existentialism in Classical Russian Fiction, 86127. New York, 1970. Find.

Comstock, Gary. “Face to Face with It: The Naive Reader’s Moral Response to ‘Ivan Ilych.’” Neophilologus 70, no. 3 (July 7, 1986): 321–33. Find.

Danaher, David. “The Function of Pain in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” Tolstoy Studies Journal 10, no. 1 (1998 1998): 20–28. Find.

Danaher, David S. “A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor in Prose: Truth and Falsehood in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Il’ich.’” Poetics Today 24, no. 3 (Fall 2003): 439–69. Find.

———. “Conceptual Metaphors for Domains: TRUTH and FALSEHOOD in Russian and the Image of the Black Sack in Tolstoi’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” In American Contributions to the 13th International Congress of Slavists, Ljubljana, August 2003, Volume 2: Literature, edited by Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake, 61–75. Slavica Publishers, 2003. Find.

———. “The Semantics of Pity and Zhalost in a Literary Context.” Glossos 3 (March 1, 2002): 1–26. Find.

———. “Tolstoy’s Use of Light and Dark Imagery in The Death of Ivan Il’ic.” Slavic & East European Journal 39, no. 2 (Summer 1995): 227. Find.

Dayananda, Y.J. “The Death of Ivan Ilych: A Psychological Study On Death and Dying.” Literature and Psychology 22 (1972): 191–98. Find.

Dimendberg, Edward. “Tolstoy in Los Angeles: Ivans Xtc.” In Cities in Transition: The Moving Image and the Modern Metropolis, edited by Andrew Webber and Emma Wilson, 216–25. Wallflower Press, 2008. Find.

Donnelly, Jerome. “Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought & Culture 16, no. 2 (Spring 2013): 73–98. Find.

Donnelly, John. “Death and Ivan Ilych.” In Language, Metaphysics, and Death, edited by John Donnelly, 116–30. New York: Fordham University Press, 1978. Find.

Donskov, Andrew. “The Peasant in Tolstoi’s Thought and Writings.” Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes 21, no. 2 (1979): 183-96. Find.

Duncan, Robert L. “Ivan Ilych’s Death: Secular or Religious?” University of Dayton Review 15, no. 1 (1981 Spring 1981): 99–106. Find.

Edel, Leon. “Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man.” In Aging, Death, and the Completion of Being, edited by David D.Van Tassel, 193–214. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979. Find.

Edgerton, William B. “Tolstoy, Immortality, and Twentieth-Century Physics.” Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Central and Eastern Europe 21, no. 3 (1979): 289–300. Find.

Eremin, M. “Podrobnosti i smysl tselogo. Iz nabljudenii nad tekstom povesti Smert’ Ivana Il’icha.” In V mire Tolstogo, edited by S. Mashinskii. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1978. Find.

Finke, Michael C. “A Tolstoyan Narratological Lesson: Teaching What Chekhov Learned.” In Approaches to Teaching Anton Chekhov, edited by Michael C. Finke and Michael Holquist, 56–63. Approaches to Teaching World Literature: 141. Modern Language Association of America, 2016. Find.

Fischer, Celia Clara. “La Ironía Como Principio Configurador En La Muerte de Iván Ilich.” In Creación y Proyección de Los Discursos Narrativos, edited by Daniel Altamiranda and Esther Smith, 287–93. Editorial Dunken, 2008. Find.

Freeborn, Richard. “The Long Short Story in Tolstoy’s Fiction.” In 99682, edited by Donna Tussing Orwin, 127–41. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2002. Find.

Freeman, Mark. “When the Story’s Over: Narrative Foreclosure and the Possibility.” In 487960, edited by Molly Andrews, Shelley Day Sclater, Michael Rustin, Corinne Squire, Amal Treacher, and Phil Bradbury, 81–91. Memory and Narrative Series. Transaction Publishers, 2004. Find.

Glicksberg, Charles L. “Tolstoy and The Death of Ivan Illyitch.” In The Ironic Vision in Modern Literature, 81–86. Hague: Nijhoff, 1969. Find.

González Groba, Constante. “Ivan Ilych in the Jim Crow South: Carson McCullers and Leo Tolstoy.” Literature and Belief 24, no. 1–2 (2004 2004): 118–33. Find.

Greenberg, Valerie D. “Ilse Faber (and Tolstoy): The Art of Dying.” In Neues Zu Altem: Novellen Der Vergangenheit Und Der Gegenwart, Ed. Sabine Cramer, 117–30. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1996. Find.

Gustafson, Richard F. Leo Tolstoy: Resident and Stranger. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1986. Find.

———. “The Three Stages of Man.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies 12 (1978): 481–518. Find.

Gutsche, George. Moral Apostasy in Russian Literature. DeKalb, Il: Northern Illinois University Press, 1986. Find.

Halperin, Irving. “The Structural Integrity of the Death of Ivan Il’ič.” The Slavic and East European Journal 5, no. 4 (1961): 334–40. Find.

Harkness, Kristen M. “The Formation of Death Constructs in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich and Solzhenitsyn’s Cancer Ward.” Graduate Essays on Slavic Languages and Literatures [Gesll] 9 (January 1, 1996): 63–69. Find.

Harress, Birgit. “Das Ablegen Der Seelenmaske Als Poetologisches Prinzip: Lev Tolstojs Novelle ‘Smert’ Ivana Il’iča’ (Der Tod Des Ivan Il’ič).” In 469614, edited by Birgit Harress, Jens Herlth, and Angelika Lauhus, 105–24. Heidelberger Publikationen Zur Slavistik: B-Literaturwissenschaftliche Reihe: 32. Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. Find.

Hirschberg, W. R. “Tolstoy’s the Death of Ivan Ilich.” The Explicator 28, no. 3, item 26 (November 1, 1969): 47–49. Find.

Howe, Irving. “Leo Tolstoy: The Death of Ivan Illych.” In Classics of Modern Fiction, 113–78. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972. Find.

Hustis, Harriet. “‘Three Rooms Off’: Death and the Reader in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych.” Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 11, no. 3 (October 10, 2000): 261–75. Find.

Irwin, William. “Death by Inauthenticity: Heidegger’s Debt to Ivan Il’ich’s Fall.” Tolstoy Studies Journal 25 (January 1, 2013): 15–21. Find.

———. “When Did Ivan Il’ich Die?” Tolstoy Studies Journal 24 (2012 2012): 72–74. Find.

Jahn, Gary R. “A Note on the Miracle Motifs in the Later Works of Lev Tolstoi.” In The Supernatural in Slavic and Baltic Literatures: Essays in Honor of Victor Terras, 191–99. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1988. Find.

———. “The Death of Ivan Il’ich–Chapter One.” In Studies in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Polish and Russian Literature in Honor of Xenia Gasiorowska, 37–43. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1983. Find.

———. “The Role of the Ending in Lev Tolstoi’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Central and Eastern Europe 24, no. 3 (September 9, 1982): 229–38. Find.

———. Tolstoy’s the Death of Ivan Il’ich: A Critical Companion. Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature; Variation: Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1999. Find.

Jankélévitch, Vladimir. “Tolstoï et La Mort.” Cahiers Renaud-Barrault 101 (1981 1981): 77–88. Find.

Kamedina, L. V. “Ekklesiast i Smert’ Ivana Il’icha L. N. Tolstogo.” In Slavianskaia Kul’tura: Traditsii i Sovremennost’, 24–29. Chita, 1995. Find.

Kamm, F. M. “Rescuing Ivan Ilych: How We Live and How We Die.” Ethics 113, no. 2 (2003): 202–33. Find.

Kante, Božidar. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich: Death and Authentic Life.” In Tolstoy and Spirituality, 149–60. Academic Studies Press, 2018. Find.

Kasack, Wolfgang. “Tolstoj: Der Tod Des Iwan Iljitsch.” In Die Russische Novelle, edited by Bodo Zelinsky, 94–102. Düsseldorf: Bagel Gruppe, 1982. Find.

Klamann, Conor. “Whose Holy of Holies? Bakhtin’s Polyphony and Tolstoy the Author-God.” Tolstoy Studies Journal 26 (January 1, 2014): 39–47. Find.

Koç, Emel. “Varoluşsal Bir Problem Olarak Ölüm Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Tolstoy’un İvan İlyiç’in Ölümü Adlı Eseri.” Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 12, no. 22 (December 12, 2009): 245–59. Find.

Krouglov, Alexei N., and Stephen D. Shenfield. “Kiesewetter’s Logic in Tolstoy’s ‘Death of Ivan Il’ich.’” Russian Studies in Philosophy 50, no. 2 (September 1, 2011): 58–69. Find.

Kšicová, Danuše. “The Mirror of the Soul: The Phenomenon of Dying in the Works of L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, Ladislav Klíma.” Slavia Orientalis 53, no. 4 (2004 2004): 521–29. Find.

Lang, Gerald. “What Does Ivan Ilyich Need To Be Rescued From?” Philosophy 89, no. 348 (2014): 325–47. Find.

Lekmanov, O. A. “Tri Smerti: (Ivan Il’ich, Andrei Fokich, Anna Ivanovna.” Lotmanovskii Sbornik, no. 2 (1997): 340–43. Find.

Mandelker, Amy. “Out of Breath: Bernard Rose’s Ivans Xtc. (2000) and Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Il’ch.’” In Tolstoy on Screen, edited by Lorna Fitzsimmons and Michael A. Denner, 217–43. Northwestern University Press, 2015. Find.

Martín Díaz de Guereñu, Ernesto. “La Muerte de Iván Ilich.” Letras de Deusto 33, no. 100 (September 7, 2003): 185–227. Find.

Masolova, Elena Aleksandrovna. “Semantika Kolorativov v Povestvovanii L. Tolstogo (‘Smert’ Ivana Il’icha’, ‘Kreĭtserova Sonata’, ’D’iavol’).” Problemy Istoricheskoĭ Poėtiki 15, no. 1 (2017 2017): 55–67. Find.

Mathivanan, S., and R. Soundararajan. “Foreordained Final Farewell and Depression of Ivan Ilyich.” Language in India 14, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 237–44. Find.

Matsuda, Hiroshi. “Kirisutokyō No Ningenron (Sono 1): Kirisutoronteki Ningenron.” Kōbe Jogakuin Daigaku Kenkyūjo Yakuin/Kobe College Studies 48, no. 2 [141] (December 12, 2001): 131–48.Find

Matual, David. “‘The Confession’ as Subtext in The Death of Ivan Llich.” International Fiction Review 8 (1981): 121–30. Find.

Medzhibovskaya, Inessa. “Teleological Striving and Redemption in The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” Tolstoy Studies Journal 12 (2000 2000): 35–49. Find.

Mikhaylovsky, N. K., and Boris Sorokin. “‘Master and Man’ and The Death of Ivan Ilych.” In 404644, edited by Edward Wasiolek, 175–79. Crit. Essays on World Lit. Boston: Hall, 1986. Find.

Mikiciuk, Elżbieta. “Czas w Śmierci Iwana Iljicza Lwa Tołstoja.” Slavia Orientalis 61, no. 2 (2012 2012): 123–39. Find.

Morson, Gary Saul. “Literature and Responsibility.” The Slavic and East European Journal 54, no. 2 (2010): 223–37. Find.

———. “Tolstoy’s Absolute Language.” Critical Inquiry 7, no. 4 (1981): 667–87. Find.

Moseley, Merritt. “The Death and Emancipation of Ivan Ilych.” In 512564, edited by Harold Bloom and Blake Hobby, 27–36. Bloom’s Literary Themes. Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2010. Find.

Motroshilova, N. V. “Nravstvenno-Moral’noe Izmerenie Ėkzistentsial’nogo Opyta i Problema Smerti v Khudozhestvennom Tvorchestve L. Tolstogo.” In 549342, edited by A. A. Guseĭnov and T. G. Shchedrina, 139–65. Filosofiia Rossii Pervoĭ Poloviny XX Veka. Politicheskaia ėntsiklopediia, 2014. Find.

Napier, James J. “The Stages of Dying and The Death of Ivan Ilych.” College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies 10, no. 2 (1983): 147–57. Find.

Oelker, Dieter. “Comentario de La Muerte de Iván Ilich de León Nikolaievich Tolstoi.” Atenea: Revista de Ciencia, Arte y Literatura de La Universidad de Concepción 477 (June 1, 1998): 103–34. Find.

Olney, James. “Experience, Metaphor, and Meaning: The Death of Ivan Lliych.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31, no. 1 (1972): 101–14. Find.

Ortiz Quesada, Federico. El acto de morir: sobre la muerte de Ivan Ilich de Leon Tolstoi. Colecci n Dolor, enfermedad y muerte; Variation: Colecci n Dolor, enfermedad y muerte. M xico, D.F.: Editorial N mesis, 1989. Find.

Pachmuss, Temira. “The Theme of Love and Death in Tolstoy’s the Death of Ivan Ilyich.” American Slavic and East European Review 20, no. 1 (1961): 72–83. Find.

Parthé, Kathleen. “The Metamorphosis of Death in Tolstoy.” Language and Style 18 (1985): 205–14. Find.

———. “Tolstoy and the Geometry of Fear.” Modern Language Studies 15, no. 4 (1985): 80–94. Find.

Pope, Stephen J. “Compassion and Self-Deception: The Unity of Love and Truthfulness in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich.’” The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 19 (1999): 115–29. Find.

Popov, Konstantin. “Semantiko-Stilisticheskaia Kharakteristika Leĭtmotivnykh Slov Lozh’, Bol’ i Smert’ v Povesti ‘Smert’ Ivana Il’icha’ L. N. Tolstogo.” In Textsemantik Und Textstilistik, edited by Herbert Jelitte and Jarosław Wierzbiński, 287–99. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1999. Find.

Porudominskiĭ, Vladimir. “Pravila Proigrannoĭ Igry.” Oktiabr’: Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyĭ i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskiĭ Zhurnal 9 (2006 2006): 170–80. Find.

Rahv, Philip. “The Death of Ivan Illych and Joseph K.” In Image and Idea: Twenty Essays on Literary Themes, 121–40. Norfolk, Conn: New Directions, 1957. Find.

Raleigh, John Henry. “Tolstoy and Sight: The Dual Nature of Reality.” Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 21 (n.d.): 170–79. Find.

Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel. “Narcissism, Masochism, and Denial in The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” In Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich: A Critical Companion, 117–33. Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature; Variation: Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1999. Find.

Rice, James L. “Comic Devices in ‘The Death of Ivan Ilich.’” Slavic and East European Journal 47, no. 1 (Spring 2003): 77–95. Find.

Rogers, Arthur L., II. “Universality in The Death of Ivan Ilich.” Tolstoy Studies Journal 21 (2009): 49–55. Find.

Rogers, Philip. “Scrooge on the Neva: Dickens and Tolstoj’s Death of Ivan Il’ič.” Comparative Literature 40, no. 3 (1988): 193–218. Find.

Rosen, Nathan. “Vasia and the Light in ‘The Death of Ivan Il’ich.’” Tolstoy Studies Journal 12, no. 1 (January 1, 2000): 50–56. Find.

Rosenshield, Gary. “Revisiting the Dialectic of Pain and Truth: ‘War and Peace’ and ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich.’” Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue Canadienne-Americaine d’etudes Slaves 48, no. 4 (January 1, 2014): 448–67. Find.

Russell, Robert. “From Individual to Universal: Tolstoy’s ‘Smert’ Ivan Il’icha’.” Modern Language Review 76, no. 3 (July 7, 1981): 631–42. Find.

Salys, Rima. “Signs on the Road of Life: The Death of Ivan Ll’ich.” Slavic and East European Journal 30 (1986): 18–28. Find.

Sansom, Dennis. “Tolstoy and the Moral Instructions of Death.” Philosophy and Literature 28, no. 2 (October 10, 2004): 417–29. Find.

Schaarschmidt, Gunter. “Time and Discourse Structure in The Death of Ivan Il’ich.” Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Central and Eastern Europe 21, no. 3 (1979 1979): 356–66. Find.

Schefski, Harold K. “Tolstoj’s Case Against Doctors.” Slavic and East European Journal 22 (1978): 569–73. Find.

Schneider, Hans J. “Die Bedeutung Des Todes Für Das Leben.” Neue Deutsche Hefte 28, no. 3 [171] (1981 1981): 499–512. Find.

Sharma, R. S. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich: A Study in Point of View.” In Essays on Leo Tolstoy, 219–33. Meerut: Shalabh Prakashan, 1989. Find.

Sharon Krishek. “Love as the End of Human Existence.” In 439226, edited by Stephen Minister, J. Aaron Simmons, and Michael Strawser, 3–15. Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion. Indiana University Press, 2017. Find.

Shepherd, David. “Conversion, Reversion and Subversion in Tolstoi’s ‘The Death of Ivan Il’ich.’” The Slavonic and East European Review 71, no. 3 (July 1993): 401–16. Find.

Shestov, Lev. “The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching.” In Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche (The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Teaching & Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: The Philosophy of Tragedy). Athens: Ohio University Press, 1969. Find.

———. “The Last Judgement: Tolstoy’s Last Works.” In Job’s Balances: On the Sources of the Eternal Truths, 83–138. Athens: Ohio University, 1957. Find.

Smyrniw, Walter. “Tolstoy’s Depiction of Death in the Context of Recent Studies of the ‘Experience of Dying.’” Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes 21, no. 3 (1979): 367–79. Find.

Sohn, Yoon-hee. “[Overcoming the Fear of Death through Epictetus’ Prohairesis in The Death of Ivan Ilyich and W;t].” Journal of Modern English Drama 27, no. 3 (December 12, 2014): 165–92. Find.

Sorokin, Boris. “Ivan Il’ich as Jonah: A Cruel Joke.” Canadian Slavic Studies 5 (1971): 487–507. Find.

Spanos, William V. “Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych: A Temporal Interpretation.” In De-Structing the Novel: Essays in Applied Postmodern Hermeneutics, edited by Leonard Orr, 1–64. Troy, NY: Whitston, 1982. Find.

Starikova, Ekaterina. “A Book on Good and Evil or the Death of Ivan Ilyich.” Soviet Literature 6 [483] (1988 1988): 124–37. Find.

Thayyib, Muhammad. “An Analysis of Polysemy Words in the Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories Novel by Leo Tolstoy,” 2017. Find.

Turner, C. J. G. “Ivan Il’ich — Resident and Stranger.” In Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Il’ich: A Critical Companion, 39–54. Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature; Variation: Northwestern/AATSEEL Critical Companions to Russian Literature. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1999. Find.

Turner, C. J. G. “The Language of Fiction: Word-Clusters in Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich.’” The Modern Language Review 65, no. 1 (1970): 116–21. Find.

Stene-Johansen, Knut. “Tolstoy and the Making of the Inhuman.” In 123648, edited by Knut Stene-Johansen and Frederik Tygstrup, 125–35. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries: 65. Editions Rodopi B.V., 2010. Find.

Tarasov, B. “Analiz Burzhuaznogo Soznaniia v Povesti L. N. Tolstogo Smert’ Ivana Il’icha.” Voprosy Literatury 3 (March 3, 1982): 156–76. Find.

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Verno, Michael. “Exact Times and Watches in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich.” The Explicator 67, no. 2 (2009 Winter 2009): 123–25. Find.

Vicari, Lorenzo. “Un Filisteo e La Morte (II) (Su Ivàn Il’ič Di Tolstoj).” Città Di Vita: Bimestrale Di Religione Arte e Scienza 59, no. 6 (December 11, 2004): 591–608. Find.

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Williams, Michael V. “Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Iván Ilých’: After the Fall.” Studies in Short Fiction; Newberry, S.C. 21, no. 3 (Summer 1984): 229–34. Find.

Wiltshire, John. “The Argument of Ivan Ilyich’s Death.” Critical Review 24 (1982 1982): 46–54. Find.

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