
Part 1: Avista-Murphy’s Blush

A thumbnail of each apple entry is shown to indicate size of illustrated apple. Click on the image for larger view and download. To download all original files, see Publishers Note. Note: only pages with illustrations are shown, some entries include two pages, the second containing only text which has been transcribed below.


Size 5 to 6; form, round ovate inclining to oblique; color, yellowish green, striped and splashed with brownish red and showing numerous irregular whitish or grayish dots or spots on the skin; flesh, greenish yellow fine grained, sub-acid; stem, long slender in a regular rather deep cavity; calyx closed; basin, medium, slightly wrinkled; core medium, closed; seeds plump, light chestnut brown. Originated from seed planted at West Salem, Wis. and introduced by A. J. Phillips of that place. Jan. to Mar.

– John S. Harris

Red Astrachan

Size 5 to 6; form, roundish tapering towards the eye; color, greenish yellow mostly covered with a rich purplish crimson; stem, medium; cavity, narrow a little russeted; calyx, large; basin shallow, uneven; flesh, white, crisp juicy, acid; core, small; seeds, ovate, brownish black, Season, August.

-J. S. H.

Arkansas No. 3

Size 5 to 6; form, roundish oblate, smooth; color, yellow and light red, striped and splashed with light gray dots showing more numerous towards the eye; stem, long, slender in a medium regular cavity; calyx, closed; basin smooth regular medium; core, half open; flesh yellow —- fine; flavor sub-acid; quality, kitchen — market 10. Origin Arkansas, Season November.

-J. S. H.

Arkansas No. 4

Size 6; form, round oblate; color, yellow nearly covered with stripes and splashes of red; stem, medium; cavity broad regular russeted at bottom; calyx in a broad corrugated medium deep basin; flesh, deep yellow, crisp fine grained; flavor aromatic, sub-acid, sweet. Season, November, December.

-J. S. H.

Yellow Bell Flower from Ark.

Size 5; form, conical, angular, ribbed; color yellow thinly studded with irregular brown dots; stem medium; cavity narrow, medium deep, russeted; calyx closed; basin, small, irregular corrugated; flesh, yellow, fine grained juicy; flavor, sub-acid, good. Season early winter.

-J. S. H.

Yellow Bell Flower From Wash.

Size 7; form conical ribbed; color, greenish yellow; stem, medium, stout; cavity medium, irregular, ribbed, greenish russet at the bottom; calyx often; basin narrow, deeply ridged; flesh, pale yellow, fine grained, tender juicy; flavor, sub-acid, good, not as fine as the one from Arkansas; core large, open.

-J. S. H.

Arkansas Seedling No 7.

Size 7; form, roundish oblique; color deep greenish yellow, nearly covered with deep crimson showing few irregular gray or brown dots; stem, medium in a deep narrow russeted cavity; calyx, half open in a medium broad angular basin; flesh, deep yellow, nearly fine crisp; flavor, pleasant, rich, sub-acid. Season, December, January. Origin Ark.

-J. S. H.

Seedling- from E. D. Ames, Lyle Minn.

Size 5; form, round conical angular; color, green and yellow; when fully ripe nearly covered with bright red stripes and splashes; stem, medium slender set in a medium slender set in a medium wrinkled cavity; calyx closed in a small deeply wrinkled basin; flesh, white; flavor, agreeable acid; core, large and open; season, late winter, Originated in Mower Co. from seed taken from an apple raised in Ohio, variety unknown. The seed was planted by Mr. Ames about 1863, this is the only one that lived to produce fruit, When the tree was nine years old it was broken down by a load of winds over-turning in it. Scions were taken and grafted into a Siberian about 10 feet from the ground. It has survived the winters when Wealthy Malinda and Haas have been killed to the ground. It is a regular and abundant bearer of handsome fruit that keeps all winter.

-J. S. H.

Cross No 413

Size 5; form, oblate conical; grounded color, greenish yellow, nearly covered with a light carmine, quite thickly dotted with grayish specks; stem, medium in a broad deep green cavity; calyx, large, closed; basin, well defined, nearly smooth; flesh medium light yellow; flowers slightly sub-acid. Season, January. Origin, Russia.

-J. S. H.


from Barnard Longrou, Windom, Minn.
Size 2; form, roundish flattened at the ends; color, yellowish green, stripped and splashed with brownish red; skin, spotted with irregular dots; stem, long and slender set in a smooth regular cavity; calyx, small closed in a shallow-slightly wrinkled basin; core small, closed; flesh nearly white, fine grained, juicy, pleasant sub-acid. Season Jan. to March.

-J. S. H.

Belden’s Sweet Crab.

Size, 2; form, roundish conical; color yellow, nearly covered with red and crimson stripes with numerous fine gray dots; stem, medium, slender, in a rather deep greenish russeted cavity; calyx, closed; basin, medium, considerably corrugated; flesh, yellow, fine, tender, sweet. Season January to March. Originated with J. J. Belden, Houston County, Minnesota.

-J. S. H.

Ditus Day Seedling

Size 4; form, regular, smooth, round, flattened at base, color, light yellow striped with bright red and studded with numerous irregular gray or brown dots; flesh yellow, fine grained, juicy, flavor acid, pleasant; stem, medium long, slender in a regular medium deep, cavity; calyx, closed; basin abrupt, medium deep, nearly smooth; core, small, nearly closed; seeds, medium small, light chestnut brown. Season January.

-J. S. H.

Blushed Calville

Size 6; form, roundish angular tapering toward the calyx; color light greenish yellow with white dots; stem, long set in an irregular, shallow, green or russeted cavity often lipped; calyx, closed in a small deeply wrinkled basin; flesh, white, medium fine soft; flavor, acid, agreeable; core, open. Tree is a moderate symmetrical grower. Season, last of August. Origin, Russia.

-J. S. H.


Size 4; form, roundish smooth; color light yellow with flecks of russet on sun side; stem, medium long, slender in a medium, regular, slightly russeted cavity; calyx, medium, half open in a medium, regular basin; core, small, closed; flesh, yellow, fine; flavor, pleasant, sub-acid. Tree, slow grower, said not to be quite hardy. Season, January to February. Origin, East Germany.

-J. S. H.

Coates Seedling

Size 2; form, round conical; color, yellowish green with light blush on sun side, skin shows many grayish dots; stem, short; cavity, small; calyx, closed; basin, irregular, shallow, corrugated; flesh, fine, greenish white; flavor, pleasant, sub-acid. Season January to March. Originated in Dakota County, Minnesota.

-J. S. H.


Size 5 to 6 and even larger; form, roundish, narrowing a little towards the eye; color, yellowish in the shade and nearly covered with stripes of crimson and orange on the sun side, dotted with a few large russet dots; stem, medium in a moderately deep russeted cavity; calyx, small, closed in a rather narrow plaited basin; flesh, yellow, crisp; flavor, sub-acid, good. Season, January to March. Origin, Massachusetts. Not hardy in Minnesota.

-J. S. H.


Size 5 to 6; form, round oblate; color greenish yellow thickly marked with fine whitish or gray dots; flesh, yellow medium fine; flavor sub acid; stem medium in a rather deep often broadly russeted cavity; calyx, closed; basin medium broad wrinkled; Season Sept. to October. The tree originated from seed procured from Canada in 1854. Planted in the town of Union, Houston, Co., Minn. in 1855 by Jacob Kleine, set in orchard when two years old, bloomed and fruited 3 or 4 specimens when five years old and has produced some fruit every year since, and bears a heavy crop on alternate years. In 1890 to 1982 -each- it bore 30 bushels of perfect apples. The tree is a symmetrical grower. Notes made August 18 1894. Flowers a circumference of 50 inches, 20 inches above the ground and a spread of 33 feet. First branch starts 4 feet from the ground. It shows no signs of ever having been injured by freezing or any other cause but this year shows spur blight about the same as bearing Oldenburg’s. The trunk leans about 6° to the northeast.

-J. S. H.

Becker’s Seedling

Size 6; form, oblate; color, green striped with dull red; flesh white, fine grained; flavor, agreeable acid; stem, long, slender in a broad smooth cavity of medium depth calyx, open in a broad, shallow basin. Origin, Winona County, Minnesota. Season, September. First fruited in 1894.


Brett No. 3

Size 4 1/2; form, roundish, slightly angular; color, yellow, mostly covered with stripes of brownish red specked with large gray dots; stem, long, slender; cavity, broad, medium deep, russeted at bottom; calyx, closed in a broad rather shallow basin; flesh, yellow, a little coarse; flavor, sub-acid; quality, fair. Season, September. Origin, Olmsted County, Minnesota.


Yellow Calville

Size, 4 to 5; form, roundish; color, yellow; stem, medium; cavity, medium; russeted with rays after extending well over the base of the fruit; calyx, closed; basin, medium, wrinkled; flesh, light yellow, fine grained; flavor, acid, good. Season, last of August. Origin Russia.

-J.S. H.

Autumn Streaked

Size, 5 to 6; form, round; color, yellow, red striped with scattering whitish dots largest towards the base; stem, short, stout in a narrow deep russeted cavity; calyx, open in a deep corrugated basin; flesh, yellow, rather coarse; flavor, acid, good. Season, September. Origin, Russia. This is a beautiful fruit, apparently of the resembent family. Tree, shy to moderate bearer and much subject to twig blight.


Falls Seedling

Size 4 to 5; form, roundish, smooth; color, yellow, mostly covered with dark red splashes and stripes and irregular gray spots; stem, medium in a smooth medium deep green or russeted cavity; calyx, half open in a medium or shallow wrinkled basin; flesh, yellow, fine, tender; flavor, sweet, very good; case small, half open. Season, September. Origin, Farmington, Minnesota from seed of Northern Spy about 1878.


Holt’s Peach

Size, 4; form, roundish, color yellowish green fine russet dots; core, rather large, open; flesh, greenish yellow fairly fine; flavor, nearly sweet; stem full medium slender; cavity, narrow, medium, deep, dark russeted extending well over the base of the fruit; calyx, closed; basin medium, nearly smooth. Season, September.



from Paige Jilots raised by Jacob Kling
Size 5-7; Form, varying from round to flat round; Color, a greenish yellow ground, striped and splashed with deep bright red and often mealy covered with red, where exposed to the seem; Skin, thickly covered with gray dots; stem, medium; cavity, rather broad and deep; Calyx, open; Basin, broad, med.-deep; Flesh, yellowish, rather coarse; Flavor acid or slightly subacid. Early Autumn; Kitchen and market.

Glass Green Purple

(on right in original drawing)
Stem a little longer; Color of flesh more yellow; Season two-week later.



St. Lawrence

Size 5 to 6; form, flat conical; color green and crimson striped showing many grayish patches and dots; stem medium; cavity broad, deep, green; calyx, closed; basin rather deep regular nearly smooth; flesh, white, fine, juicy, tender, flavor, sub-acid. Autumn.


George Miller

Size 6; form most common, ovate or round conical, angular towards the eye; color, yellow striped and splashed with blush, red; stem, short; cavity, medium deep narrow, green and russet; calyx, closed; basin, angular, abrupt, wrinkled, deep; flesh yellow, half fine; flavor, sub-acid; quality, fair. Season, October. Origin, Rice County, Minnesota.



Size 6 to 7; form, roundish angular, flattened at the ends; color, straw yellow with sufficient fine gray dots to give the skin a little rough appearance; stem medium, short; cavity, narrow, ridged, deep, dark russeted; calyx, closed in a medium deep ridged basin; flesh, yellow, nearly fine; flavor, pleasant, acid; case, medium, nearly closed. Season, October. Origin Russia.


Giant Sevar

Size, 8; form, round ovate; color, yellow with gray dots over sides towards the base and grayish white dots on end towards the eye; stem, short; cavity narrow, deep and broadly russeted; calyx closed in a medium narrow wrinkled basin; flesh, golden yellow, nearly fine; flavor, acid, good; core, open, medium large. Season, November or later.


Early Glass

Size 7 to 8. form, round, angular flat, slightly ridged; color yellowish green, with light spots showing through the skin; flesh, nearly white, a little coarse and loose; flavor, mild acid, not rich; stem, short and stout in a medium irregular broadly russeted cavity; calyx, half open in a medium deep, ribbed basin; core, open. Tree is erect and vigorous. Season, August. Origin, Russia.


Yellow Transparent

Size 5 to 6; form, flat, conical; color, pale straw yellow, skin showing slightly raised irregular gray dots; flesh, fine grained nearly white; flavor, pleasant acid; stem, long rather stout; cavity, very broad, medium deep; calyx, open; basin, medium wrinkled; core, medium wrinkled; core, medium nearly closed. Season, August 1st to 10th. Origin Russia.


Pattern’s Greening

Size 5 to 6; form, roundish oblate tapering towards the eye; color, yellowish green thickly studded with white specks under the skin; stem short; cavity broad, medium, russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed; basin, medium, nearly smooth; core, medium, nearly smooth; core, medium, nearly closed; flesh, yellowish a little coarse; flavor pleasant acid. Season, November, December. Originated by C.S. Patten of Portage, Wisconsin; seedling of Oldenburg.



Size 4; form, roundish generally is slightly conical; color, light yellow frequently striped and splashed with light blush red, has a whitish bloom; stem, usually short medium stout; cavity, broad deep irregular; calyx, medium, closed; basin, broad, abrupt, much furrowed; flesh, white, tender, juicy; flavor, sharp, sub-acid, aromatic. Season, about August 1st. Origin, Russia. Trees, stout, upright but not fast growers.



Size 5; form, round conical angular ridged; color, clear yellow shading to brownish blush on sun side; stem, short in an angular, medium broad greenish cavity; calyx, open in a medium broad corrugated basin; flesh rich yellow, firm, nearly fine; flavor, mild, sub-acid. Season winter.


Pickard’s Seedling

Size 7; form, roundish; color yellowish green with brown blush on sun side and many brown dots and whitish specks showing in the skin; stem, short, medium in a nearly regular medium cavity russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed; basin, medium deep, wrinkled; flesh, whitish yellow, nearly fine; flavor, mild sub-acid. Season, November. Origin, Wisconsin.



Size, 5 to 6; form, round sometimes tapering toward the eye; color, very dark crimson at base and greenish yellow striped towards the eye, covered with a thick blueish bloom through which many large irregular gray dots shape; stem, rather long, elastic in a rather deep narrow regular cavity which is green at russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed in a broad shallow corrugated basin; flesh, nearly white often stained with red, fine grained; flavor, sub-acid, aromatic. Winter. Origin, La Crescent, Minn. Seedling of Fameuse.



Size 5; form, roundish oblate; color, greenish yellow, ground nearly covered with red and many brown dots; flesh, fine grained, yellowish sub-acid; core, small, nearly closed; stem, short, slender in a medium deep cavity; calyx, closed in a broad nearly regular basin. Winter.


Klein’s Sweet

Size, 6; form, roundish, slightly conical; color, ground yellow striped with red, the yellow showing through in irregular spots and dots; stem, rather short in a regular medium cavity, light russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed in a regular short in a regular or slightly wrinkled medium basin; flesh, light yellow, nearly fine; flavor, sweet, very good. Season September. Originated in Houston County, Minnesota from Canadian seed.



Size 4 to 5; form roundish conical; color, shady side yellow with greenish bloom, sunny side yellow and red showing small gray dots in skin; stem, long; cavity, deep and smooth; calyx, half open; basin flat ribbed; core closed; flesh, white fine grained slightly subacid aromatic; Season Nov. To Jan. Origin Russia. This tree is an early and very prolific bearer and with Mr. Kiel of Rochester, top worked on Orange crab, is one of the most valuable varieties he has in his orchard. In 1892 trees from to three and one fourth inches in diameter produced from two to three bushels of fruit. The tree as a root graft is about as hardy as the Wealthy. Mr. A.S. Tuttle of Baraboo, Wis. considers it the most valuable of all the varieties imported from Russia.


Northern Spy

Size 6 often 7; form, conical flattened; skin, think, smooth; color a greenish or pale yellow nearly covered with stripes of light and dark purplish red marked with a few irregular pale green dots and covered on sun side with thin white bloom; stem, medium long rather stout in a wide deep cavity marked with russet at bottom; calyx, small closed in a narrow abrupt furrowed basin; core medium half open; flesh pale yellow, fine grained crisp tender; flavor, sub-acid delicious. Season, Jan. to March. Origin New York. Has fruited in Minnesota. This is one of the most beautiful, delicious and fragrant apples we have seen. The tree is a rapid upright grower very slow in coming to bearing and not hardy enough to endure our severe winters. In 1872 I harvested about 18 barrels of fruit which sold for 4 to 5 dollars per. barrel but the following winter the trees were so severally injured that they never afterwards bore e crop and have since perished.



Size 6; form, roundish oblate; color, greenish yellow and red striped; stem medium set in a regular medium deep narrow light russeted cavity; calyx, half open in a broad corrugated basin; flesh, light yellow nearly fine; flavor, pleasant acid; core, medium and closed; used for cooking and market. August.



Size 7; form, flat conical; color greenish yellow mostly covered with blotches and stripes of red with numerous irregular spots and dots of white showing in the skin; stem, long, medium stout in a broad smooth greenish cavity; calyx closed in a medium, much wrinkled basin; flesh, light yellow, medium fine; flavor, sub-acid; core, medium large, nearly closed. Season, January. Origin, Rice County. Minnesota. Tree hardy, vigorous, symmetrical grower. Resists blight equally to any variety known.



from R.C. Keel, Rochester. Size 5; form, flat conical; color, orange yellow, shaded purplish red and striped deep crimson; stem, medium slender in narrow deep russeted cavity; calyx, large open in a medium wrinkled basin; flesh, nearly white slightly stained red, juice tender. Flavor sub-acid sweet; Season Jan. Origin Russia.



Size 6; form, smooth, roundish conical flattened at the ends; color, greenish yellow ground nearly covered with bright red; stem, short to medium, slender, elastic; cavity, medium deep russeted at the bottom; calyx closed in a well defined slightly wrinkled basin; flesh, white often stained red, fine grained; flavor sub-acid, good; core small closed. Season, October to January. Origin, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Core, small, closed.


Fall Orange

Size, 6; form, roundish conical; color, greenish yellow sprinkled with brown and whitish dots; stem, short, medium stout; cavity, regular, medium, narrow, rather deep; calyx, half open set in a medium corrugated basin; flesh, pale yellow, medium fine, juicy; flavor, pleasant acid. September, October.


Newell’s Winter

Size 7; form slightly angular, flat comical; color, greenish yellow often with traces of red on sun side, skin thickly studded with white and gray dots; stem, short; cavity broad, irregular green at base; calyx closed in a broad, much corrugated basin; flesh, yellow, firm, a little coarse; flavor pleasant acid. Season, January to March. Origin Wisconsin, Saulk County.


Shannon Pippin

Size, 7; form, roundish oblate, sides often unequal; color, greenish yellow sprinkled with few small brown dots; stem, short, stout in a medium regular russeted cavity; calyx, closed in a medium nearly smooth basin; flesh yellow, fine grained tender pleasant; flavor, sub-acid; core, small, half open; seeds, few. Grown in Arkansas.


Utter or Cooper

Size 6 to 7, specimens sometimes reach 10; from flattish conical often roundish oblate; color, yellowish more or less striped and splashed with dull red and dotted with small whitish dots; flesh, light yellow, not fine grained, crisp juicy; flavor, pleasant acid, very good; stem, short elastic in a deep greenish cavity; calyx, closed; basin deep, nearly smooth. September to November.


Red McMahon

Size 7 to 8; form, flat conical; color of skin, greenish yellow, ground mostly covered with irregular gray dots; stem, long, slender set in a broad deep regular greenish russeted cavity; calyx closed in a narrow medium basin, somewhat wrinkled; flesh, medium fine, white, juicy, soft; flavor, pleasant acid. Season, November. Origin, Richland County, Wisconsin form seed of Alexander.


McMahon’s White

Size 8 to 9; form, roundish tapering towards the eye; color, greenish pale yellow to nearly white, sometimes pale blush on sun side; stem, medium short in a regular deep medium russeted cavity; calyx, open; basin rather narrow, deeply wrinkled; flesh, pale yellow, medium fine; flavor, acid, fairly good; core, medium, half open with a very plain green watermark surrounding.
Autumn; Origin, Richland Co., Wis., about 1860.


Wolf River

Size, large to very large (9 to 10); form, roundish oblate conical; color, greenish yellow, mostly covered with dark red and scattered gray or russet dots; stem, medium long in a deep narrow cavity of green russet which reaches well out over the base; calyx, open in a rather narrow medium deep wrinkled basin; flesh, greenish yellow, coarse; flavor, acid; for kitchen and market use. Season, November. Origin, Wisconsin.


Widenower (Sops of Wine)

Size, 5; form, round; ground color, yellow nearly covered with red, lightly striped, and quite thickly shaded with fine gray dots; stem, medium long; cavity, small, regular, frequently striped with light russet; calyx, closed; basin, broad, shallow wrinkled; flesh, yellow fine; flavor, sub-acid, sweet.
Origin, Europe.


Oxford Seedling

Size 6; form, smooth regular elongated conical; color, greenish yellow when fully ripe, striped splashed and marbled with bright and paler red; stem, rather short deeply set in a rather deep medium broad greenish cavity russeted at the bottom; calyx closed in a smallish regular rather deep basin; flesh, lightly yellow mealy fine of a very agreeable sub-acid flavor. Season early winter; core medium a little open; seeds dark brown, long pointed. Tree 27 years old, trunk 4 ft. to head; girth 2 feet from ground 42 inches; spreading growth from Iowa.


Page Sweet

Size, 4 to 5; form, round, conical; color, deep yellow ground, brownish red on sun side striped carmine showing numerous irregular gray and brown dots; flesh, yellow, fine grain firm; flavor, sweet, good; stem, medium in medium narrow cavity, slightly russeted; calyx, small, closed in a medium wrinkled basin. Season, March and April. Came up by the roadside at Witoka, Winona Co., Minnesota.


Kentucky Red Streak

(Ben Davis)
Size 6; form, round; color, yellow, ground clouded with gray dots and light red, striped with deep red; stem, medium, slender in a small narrow cavity; calyx, closed in a medium, shallow, corrugated or wrinkled basin; flesh, yellowish; flavor, sub-acid, pleasant. Season, November.



Size, 5; form, oval; color, straw yellow, with a light preach cheek where grown in the sun, numerous white dots show through the skin; flesh, light yellow, tender; flavor, acid, rather good; stem, medium; cavity narrow, medium deep; calyx closed in a narrow wrinkled basin. Season, September 1st. Supposed to be Russian origin. Three very hardy, symmetrical grower.



Fall Stripes
Size 4; form, round, flattened at the ends, slightly angular, ribbed; color, brownish yellow, striped with crimson; stem, medium; cavity, medium; calyx, closed; basin, broad, shallow much wrinkled; flesh, yellowish, firm; flavor, sub-acid, good. Season, last of August and September. Tree, very productive, half hardy. origin Mass. or Conn.


Roxbury Russet

Size, 4; form, roundish, flattened at the ends; color of the skin, dull green covered with brownish yellow russet when ripe and a light blush on sun side; stem, medium long, slender in a medium cavity; calyx, closed set in a well-defined, medium basin; flesh, greenish white with a rich sub-acid flavor. Season, January to May. The tree is a good bearer, but does not endure long in this state. The buds and wood appear hardy, but the bark is subject to canker when headed low and and sunscald when headed high.


Lowland Raspberry

Size, 6; form, roundish conical; color, orange yellow, striped and splashed and shaded with red showing gray dots through the colors; stem medium, slender in a medium broad, rather deep, greenish cavity; calyx, closed as half open; basin, small wrinkled; flesh, light yellow, half fine, tender, juicy; flavor, sub-acid, good; core, medium, open. Season, October (Sept.). Origin, Russia.


Plumb Cider

Size, 5; form, round conical or oval; color, greenish yellow with red stripes, highly colored specimens show many white or gray dots; stem, short in a smooth narrow cavity; calyx, closed in a small shallow basin; flesh, greenish yellow, loose, tender; flavor, sub-acid. Season, October. Origin J.G. Plumb, Wis.


Rollins’ Pippin

Size, 4 to 5; form, smooth roundish tapering towards the eye; color, when ripe yellow shaded light brown on sun side; stem, short and stout; cavity, medium, sometimes showing yellow russet at the bottom; calyx, closed; basin, medium smooth or slightly ridged; flesh, yellow, fine grained, juicy; flavor, pleasant acid. Originated with L. W. Rollins, Elgin, Minnesota. The tree is a symmetrical grower, quite hardy, a fair fruiter but rather tardy in coming into bearing.


Good Peasant

Size, 4; form, round; color, yellowish green with brownish blush on sun side; stem rather long, slender; cavity, small, regular, russeted; calyx closed or partly open; basin small angular or ridged; flesh, white, fine grained, tender juicy with a sub-acid flavor; core, small, closed. Late Autumn.

See “Good Pleasant” in Part 3.

Northwestern Greening

Size, 7; form, round or round conical; color; color, green becoming a yellowish green when ripe; stem, medium; cavity regular, medium deep, narrow, russeted at bottom; calyx, closed; basin, medium, slightly wrinkled; flesh, greenish yellow, nearly fine firm; favor, sub-acid. Season, winter. Origin, Wisconsin.


Dominion Winter

Size, 4; form, round oblate, tapering towards the eye; color, yellow shaded a light brown blush on sun side and showing a few russet spots and dots; stem, medium to short; cavity, medium, russeted; calyx half open; basin, broad, shallow wrinkled; flesh, yellow, fine grained, juicy; flavor, sub-acid, good. Winter. Origin Canada.


Jersey Pippin

Size, 4; form, roundish; color, greenish yellow, blush on sun sun side; stem, medium, very slender; cavity, small regular greenish somewhat russeted at bottom; basin, medium deep, wrinkled; calyx, closed; flesh, pale greenish yellow, fine; flavor, sub-acid; core medium small, half open. November.


Longfield (duplicate)

Size, 5; form, round ovate; color, greenish yellow with deep blush on sun side; stem, medium long, slender; cavity, small, narrow and shows a little russet at bottom; calyx, closed in a medium deep, wrinkled or ridged basin; flesh, white, fine grained tender juicy; flavor, pleasant acid, good; core, small, closed. English Pippin of Budd. November.



Size 5 to 6; form, varying from flat round to round slightly conical and flattened at base; color, light yellow striped and splashed with pink and crimson red; stem, long, set in a broad medium deep green or light russeted cavity; calyx, closed in an abrupt nearly smooth moderately broad and deep basin; flesh, yellowish white nearly fine, crisp, juicy; flavor, slightly sub-acid good; Season, early winter: origin Nobles Co. Minnesota. Form owned by H.J. Sudlow at Worthington Seed grafted by Hoff. A. is a specimen from top worked tree on Transcendent crab. B. is a specimen from root grafted tree from Jewell Nursery Co. Round somewhat oblate smooth creamy white marbled with thick, striped and splashed with with bright red; stem, medium; calyx, closed in a regular smooth basin.



Size 9, often 10; form, flat conical, angular; color, orange yellow, striped and nearly covered with deep red; stem, medium in a broad deep cavity, russeted; calyx, closed in a deep angular basin; core, large, open; flesh, yellow, coarse; flavor, acid. November. Origin, Russia. Tree not a very early or free bearer, subject to blight and not quite hardy in Minnesota.


Fameuse or Snow

Size, 4 to 5; form, flat round; color, pale greenish yellow mixed with faint stripes of red, blotches and short stripes of deeper red or shady side, fine deep red or sun side; stem, short, slender in a narrow, funnel shaped cavity; calyx, small, closed; basin, shallow, nearly smooth; flesh, white, tender, juicy with a slight perfume; flavor, good, sub-acid. October, November or later to Jan.


Oxford Orange

Size, 4; form smooth round, often oblique and slightly conical; stem, medium short in a small narrow cavity, russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed in a smooth round basin; color, greenish yellow shaded a pale blush on the cheek; flesh, yellowish white, fine grained; flavor, sub-acid. Early Winter. Tree; symmetrical grower, free and regular bearer and apparently more hardy than Fameuse or Haas. Origin, Minn. William Oxford, Fredburg, Minn, Houston, Co.



Size, 3; form, round conical; color, greenish yellow, faintly striped with red becoming very dark red when fully ripe; stem, medium long; cavity, somewhat deep, narrow, funnel shaped, russeted; calyx, small, closed in a small shallow wrinkled basin; core, small closed; flesh, greenish white, somewhat fine, tender; flavor, acid, pleasant. Winter.

Tallman Sweet

Size, 5; form, roundish tapering towards the eye; color; pale whitish yellow slightly tinged with red on the sun side; flesh fine-grained, firm sweet or slightly sub-acid; stem, short to medium; cavity, rather broad, medium deep, green or showing some russet; calyx closed; basin medium, nearly smooth on some trees, on others considerably wrinkled. Winter. Tree, nearly hardy against cold, but the bark is somewhat spongy and sometimes bursts in the late fall.


Pumpkin Sweet (Pound Sweet)

Size, 9; form, roundish, somewhat angular or ribbed; color, yellowish green with large whitish dots; flesh, yellowish white tender sweet good; stem, short; cavity deep, green russeted; calyx, half open; basin, medium broad, considerably ribbed. September. The tree appeared to be quiet hardy in southeast Minn., previous to the winter of 1894-5, when they were killed to the ground.


Pumpkin Russet

Size, 7 to 8; form, round conical; color, yellowish green with large brown dots making it appear russeted; stem, medium long, slender; cavity, rather deep, greenish russet; calyx small closed; basin, small, slightly ribbed; flesh, light yellow, tender juicy; flavor, good, sweet. September to November.



Size 6; form, flat inclining to conical; color, yellowish green with stripes and splashes of bright red, large gray specks; stem, short to medium; cavity wide, russeted at bottom; calyx, closed; basin, broad; flesh, greenish white, tender, juicy; flavor, mild, sub acid, good. Winter. A fine tree, is succeeding in eastern Wisconsin but is proving too tender for Minnesota.


Seek-no-farther. Westfield

Size, 5; form, regular, roundish conical; color, ground, yellow, sunny side striped and splashed with red, whole fruit covered with small russet dots surrounded with lighter russet yellow; stem, long, slender; cavity, broad, regular, rather deep and generally much russeted; calyx, small, sometimes closed usually open; basin, regular, moderately deep; flesh, yellow, tender; flavor, sub acid. December, January.



Size, 6 to 7; form, roundish; color, yellowish green, striped with red, very thickly covered with whitish dots towards the eye; stem, short with flesh lips on one side; cavity, rather small, irregular and russeted; calyx, closed; basin, medium, slightly corrugated; flesh yellow, shading green or nearly white, medium fine tender; flavor, slightly, sub-acid, fair. Winter. Seedling of Oldenburg, originated by Geo. P. Peffer of Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Is doing well in eastern Wisconsin but so far has not proved desirable in Minnesota.


Roman Stem

Size 4; form, roundish; color, a whitish yellow with light brownish red cheek and frequently patches of blackish russet around stem and one side; stem, medium; cavity, medium with a fleshy knob on one side; calyx small; basin narrow, deep; core, open; flesh yellow tender juicy, sub acid, very good, Season, Nov. to Jan. We have seen this variety succeeding remarkably well on rich lime stone and dry prairie land in the southern row of counties and in northern Iowa.


Clark’s Orange

Size 6; form nearly round like an orange; color of skin yellow partly covered with vermilion and carmine stripes with few dots; stem rather long; cavity, small, narrow; calyx and basin very shallow, flesh, white juicy sub acid; reason late fall and early winter. The tree is a seedling of the Oldenburg fertilized with the Belmount produced by Geo. P. Peffer at Pewaukee, Wis. and is a fine symmetrical grower, has not been tested long enough in Minnesota to be certain of its value or hardiness.



Size 9; form, roundish tapering toward the eye; skin is considerably uneven; color greenish yellow marbled and spotted with stripes of purplish red; stem short set in a deep russeted cavity; calyx small; basin moderately deep; the flesh has a greenish shade of yellow is rather coarse grained; flavor, a sprightly acid flavor; season Oct. to Jan. The tree is a thrifty grower not hardy enough for Minnesota. The specimen described was raised in southeastern Wisconsin.


Zusoff’s Winter

Size 6 to 7; form, round; color, dark purplish red thickly covered with irregular russet dots; stem short in a deep angular cavity; calyx, half open as a deep symmetrical basin; core, medium closed; flesh white, sometimes showing strains of red; flavor, sub acid good; season said to be from Nov. to Feb. Origin, Russia.



Size, 5; form, round conical; color yellowish green with brownish blush on sun side frequently showing small flakes of carmine; stem medium elastic set in a deep smooth russeted cavity; calyx, small and closed in a small deeply corrugated basin; core medium partly open; seeds medium plump light brown; flesh pale yellow mealy fine; flavor, sweet when fully ripe; season Jan. to May. Origin Vermont. This variety was introduced into this state by L. W. Rollins of Elgin about 1855 or 6 from his fathers orchard in Vermont, being apparently quite hardy by E. B. Jordan and others and scattered freely through Southern Minn. and northern Iowa, but owing to its being very slow in commencing to fruit except as a top graft it did not gain in popularity until 1888 to 91 when it was found that considerable numbers of the old trees had recovered from the injury of the winter 84 and 85 and were producing beautiful crops of fruit. The tree is a medium grower about of the same hardiness as the Wealthy and appears to be more valuable when top worked on hardy crab stocks.



Size 4 1/2; form roundish conical, sometimes angular; color yellow striped and splashed with red and quite thickly covered with irregular grayish or yellow dots; stem, short to long variable; cavity, smooth, regular rather deep; calyx, closed basin ridged medium deep; flesh, light yellow; fine juicy brisk sub acid; season early winter to March. This variety originated in Georgia and the flavor of the flavor is less acid as grown south.


Perry Russet

Size, 5; form, flat conical; color orange green with patches of russet and very thickly covered with small russet dots making the skin rough; stem, medium short; cavity, broad medium deep angular; calyx, partly open; core small closed; basin, deep corrugated; flesh greenish yellow, fine, firm, juicy, sub acid, good flavor; season Jan. to March. The tree is nearly hardy but ordinary a shy bearer.


Ben Davis

Size, 5 to 6; form, roundish a little conical usually very smooth and regular; color a greenish yellow ground, and striped, splashed and marbled with very bright red of different shades; thickly sprinkled with small dots toward the eye; stem medium in a deep regular brown russeted cavity; calyx rather large closed in an angular rather deep basin; flesh white tender, juicy with a mild sub acid flavor; season, winter; The tree is an early and profuse bearer but does not endure our moist severe winters without great injury.


Murphy Greening

Size, 6; form flattened round tapering towards the eye, color yellowish deep green with dull brownish traces on sun side; showing many irregular whitish or gray dots over most of the surface; stem, short and stout sometimes fleshy at base in a broad irregular green cavity; calyx closed in a medium wrinkled basin; flesh greenish yellow with green water lines, fine grained tender, juicy; flavor, sub acid good; season winter; tree promising; Origin Dane Co., Wis.


Murphy’s Blush

Size 4 to 5; form, round conical; color, lightly yellow and pale blush with few or many splashes of light red and many fine gray dots towards the eye; stem, long; cavity, broad, deep with russet at the bottom and sometimes splashes of russet on the base of fruit; calyx, closed; basin small somewhat wrinkled; flesh, yellow, fine, firm; flavor, sprightly sub-acid good season winter.



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