
Part 3: Soulard Crab to Hougards Seedling

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Soulard Crab

Size, 3; form, smooth oblate; color, yellowish green, becoming yellow by keeping; flesh, firm, fine grained nearly white; flavor, acid. acrid, somewhat better than native crab Pyrus coronaria L.


Red Siberian

Small; form, roundish; color, clear straw yellow; stem, long slender, cavity medium; calyx, very small; basin, broad shallow; flesh, yellow; flavor, mild acid, crabby.


[Blank Name]

Size medium; form, round; color, yellow and red stripped; flesh, greenish yellow, fine, firm, pleasant acid; a long keeper; Seedling by A. Hacklander, Blue Earth City, Minn.


[Blank Name]

Size medium; form, flat round angular; color, red; flesh, fine pleasant sub-acid sweet; season winter; from Blue Earth City.


[Blank Name]

Size medium; form, oblate angular; color, yellow and red; stripped and thickly spattered with gray dots; flavor sweet; season October.



Size large; form, round tapering toward the eye; color, yellow ground stripped and shaded red, dotted with gray specks; stem, long slender elastic; core, medium closed; cavity regular medium deep, sometimes russeted at bottom; calyx, closed in a medium, slightly furrowed basin; flesh, light yellow nearly juice; flavor mild acid; season, Sept-October; originated in Houston Co., Minn.

Crimson Beauty

Size medium; form, long oval conic; color, yellow covered with bright red; stem, long slender; cavity, narrow; calyx, long closed; basin, flat wrinkled; flesh, yellow; flavor sweet good; season, late August to September 10th. Tree upright symmetrical, hardy and a prodigious bearer on alternate years; origin unknown.


[Blank Name]

Size, large; form, round oval; color, yellow mostly covered with stripes of light and bright red; stems very long, slender in a deep funnel shaped cavity; calyx, small in a deep ridged basin; core small closed; flesh, yellow juice; flavor, sub-acid, sweet, good; season, October, from J.H. Woodburn, Sterling, Ill.

[Blank Name]

Size, large; form, flat round angular; color, yellow and red, stripped and splashed and very many russet dots; stem, long, slender in a wide medium deep slightly russeted cavity; calyx large; basin broad shallow deeply furrowed; flesh, nearly white fine; flavor pleasant acid; From J. H. Woodburn, Ill.

[Blank Name]

Size 5; form, flattish round; color, greenish yellow; stripped with red and splashed silver gray and shows finest on sun side; stem, short; cavity broad green and gray at bottom; calyx, open, basin, broad corrugated; flesh, yellow fine, firm; sprightly acid. Tree was procured for Martha Crab.

Seedling of Sidney Corps

Size, 4; form, roundish conical; color, greenish yellow, with few small russety dots, one side overspread with splashes and dots of red; stem, medium long, slender; cavity, rather close narrow, russeted; basin, rather deep, wide corrugated; calyx, rather open; flesh, white, fine grained; flavor, fair sub-acid. core, large (J.B.G.) Description made April 10. 1896 on specimens left in cold cellar. Season, Winter. Originated by Sidney Corps. Hammond, Minn.

Seedling form Sidney Corps.

Size, 2; form, oblate; color, bright yellow sprinkled with small dots; stem, medium slender; cavity, rather deep, close; basin, wide; calyx, medium, closed; flesh, white, firm, rather fine; flavor sub acid. Description made April 10. 1896 of specimens left in cold cellar. Season winter. (J.B.G.)
Originated by Sidney Corps, Hammond, Minn.

Czar’s Thorn

Size, 6; form, oblate slightly oblique; color, greenish yellow heavily overspread with red in stripes and splashes and numerous large and small light dots; stem, medium in a medium cavity somewhat russeted; calyx, half open in a very shallow basin which is much corrugated; flesh, medium coarse, yellowish green; flavor, sub-acid, fair. Autumn.


Size, 6; form, oblate; color, yellowish white blushed on sun side (striped and splashed, Budd); cavity, broad, deep, russeted; stern, medium long; basin, angular, medium; calyx, half open; flesh, fine rained, white, firm; flavor, acid, good; Season, Winter. Russian.

Sugar Miron

Size, 8; form, oblate; color, greenish yellow striped and splashed with bright red, numerous dots; cavity medium broad, deep, somewhat russeted; basin, narrow, abrupt, wrinkled; basin, narrow, abrupt, wrinkled at bottom; calyx, open; flesh, greenish yellow; flavor, sub-acid; Season, August. Origin Russian.


Size, 7; form, oblate, rather flat; color, pale yellow striped and splashed with red; cavity, broad, deep, russeted; stem, medium short; basin, very broad and deep; calyx, half open; flesh, coarse, yellowish white, firm, crisp, tender; flavor, sub-acid, good, Season, early winter.

Sandy Glass 24 M.

Size, 7; form, oblate; color, yellow with blush on sunny side, dark dots; cavity, medium wide, deep; stem, short; basin, medium broad, shallow, corrugated; calyx, closed; flesh, fine grained, tender (Budd); flavor, sub-acid, melting (Budd) rather sharp acid, inferior (S.B.G.) Season, If picked early will keep into winter (Budd). Autumn.

Boone Crab.

Size, 1; form, oblate; color, yellowish white, striped and splashed with carmine; cavity medium deep, broad, slightly russeted; stem, slender; basin, angular, broad, very shallow; calyx, closed; flesh, yellow, firm; flavor, sub-acid, fair. Season, early Autumn. Origin, Iowa.


Size, 5 to 6; form, oblate; color, greenish yellow with stripes and splashes of red, dark colored dots, some russet in cavity; cavity, medium broad, deep; stem, short; basin, angular, broad, abrupt, deep; calyx, open; flesh, white, firm; flavor, sub-acid, good. Season, Autumn. Origin Russia (probably not true)

Red Russet

Size, 4; form, oblate; color, red, covered with russet; cavity, broad and deep; stem, long, medium; calyx, closed; flesh white, firm but wilts easily; flavor, mild, sub-acid. Season, Winter.


Size, 3 to 4; form, oblate, nearly round; color, green with stripes and splashes of dull brown, numerous greenish white dots; cavity, broad and shallow; stem, long and slender; basin, broad closed; flesh, greenish white, firm; flavor, sweet, good. Season, Winter.

Seedling No 1.

Size, 6 to 7; form, round, oblate; color, greenish with stripes and splashes of red; stem, short in a deep wide cavity; basin, wide, rather deep; calyx, medium size, open; flesh, greenish white, fine; flavor, sub-acid, inferior. Season, August. Originated in Houston Co from seed of N. Spy planted by G. Bader in 1886. Had not blighted up to Aug. 1896.

Seedling No. 3

Size, 8; color, yellowish green, striped and splashed with red, sun side dotted with many white dots; flesh, white, coarse grain; flavor, sub-acid, good; stem, medium in a deep, rather narrow cavity, slightly russeted; basin, narrow, deep; calyx, wide, open, large. Season, first of August. Blights about the same as Duchess. Originated same as Seed No. 1.


Size, 4; form, oblate; color, yellowish green, striped and splashed with red with many white dots; cavity, broad and deep; stem, medium long; basin broad, medium deep; calyx, half open; flesh, firm, medium fine, nearly white; flavor, acid, good. Season, probably early Winter. Iowa.


Size, 5; form, nearly round a trifle angular; color, pale green, numerous dark dots; cavity, broad, deep, russeted, extending over top; stem, short; basin, broad, angular, deep; calyx, closed; flesh, white, medium fine; flavor, sub-acid, good. Season, Winter.

Canada Baldwin

Size, 4; flavor, oblate, oblique; color, yellowish white, striped and splashed with carmine, numerous white dots; cavity, broad and deep; stem, long and slender; basin, broad, angular, corrugated, medium deep; calyx, closed; flesh, fine, pinkish white, firm; flavor, sub-acid, rich, aromatic. Season, winter.


Size, 6; form, oblate; color, yellow with blush on sun side, white dots; cavity, broad angular, deep, slightly russeted; stem, short; basin, very broad, somewhat angular, deep; calyx, half, open; flesh, fine grained, white, firm; flavor, sub- acid, very good (Budd). Season, mid-winter. Tree does best on knolls without shelter on the north. (Budd) Russian.

English Pippin

Size, 6; form, oblate; color, yellow blushed on sun side; cavity, narrow, abrupt, deep; stem, medium; basin, medium broad, deep, slightly corrugated; calyx, half open; flesh, white, firm; (Practically Longfield) flavor, good, sub-acid.
Season, late autumn.

Iowa Keeper

Size, 3; form, oblate; color, light green, striped and splashed with pale red, many white dots; cavity, broad medium deep; stem, short; basin, broad, medium deep; stem, short; basin, broad and deep; calyx, open; flesh, firm, fine grained, greenish white; flavor, acid, good. Season, winter.

Gatch Seedling

Size, 4; form, round towards oblong; color, light green; cavity, medium broad, deep; stem, long; basin, medium broad, very shallow; calyx, open; flesh, white, medium fine; flavor, acid, good. Season, late autumn.

Winisted Pippin

Size, 4; form,round, color, yellowish green, russeted in cavity and spreading over top; cavity, medium wide and deep; stem, medium long, slender; basin, broad and deep, a trifle corrugated; calyx, half open; flesh, firm, nearly white, medium fine; flavor, brisk acid, good. Season, winter. Origin Minn.

Handsome White

Size, 6; form, oblate, angular; color, yellowish white, numerous large white dots; cavity, broad, medium deep, russeted; stem, medium; basin, abrupt, broad, deep, wrinkled; calyx, half open; flesh [blank]; flavor, [blank]; Season, August and September.

Mountain Beet

Size, 4; color, deep red, numerous white and russet dots; cavity, narrow, medium deep, russeted; stem, medium short; basin, corrugated, medium broad and medium shallow; calyx closed; flesh, white; flavor, sub-acid, fair. Season, September.

Queen Muscatel

Size, 6; form, oblate, nearly round; color, greenish yellow with white dots; cavity, broad, regular, medium deep, russeted; stem, short; basin, narrow, shallow wrinkled; calyx open; flesh, coarse, white; flavor, rather sour. Season, September.

Belles doskoe

Size, 6; form, oblate; color, yellow with blush on sun side; cavity, medium broad, medium deep and much russeted; stem, medium long, slender; basin, medium broad and medium deep; calyx, half open; flesh, medium fine; flavor, sub- acid, good. Season, September. Russian.


Size, 5; form, oblate; color, light green striped and splashed with dull red, many dark dots; cavity, broad and deep; stem, shoot; basin, angular broad and deep; calyx, half open; flesh, white, medium; flavor; sub acid, fpoor. Season, autumn.

Fluke Crab

Size, 2; form, oblate; color, yellowish green with white dots; cavity, angular broad and deep; stem, long and slender; basin, broad but shallow, corrugated; calyx, closed; flesh, firm, hard, yellowish white, fine grained; flavor, sour. Season, winter.

Bay Lake Sweet

Size 5 or 6; form, oblate, slightly oblique; color, greenish yellow with stripes and splashes of red and numerous white dots; cavity, broad and deep; stem, long and slender; basin, medium narrow and deep, abrupt; calyx, closed; flesh firm, medium fine, yellowish white; flavor, sweet, good. Season, autumn. Originated by Otto Wasserzicher, Bay Lake, Aitkin Co. Minn. (Sept. 10. 1896)

Sweet Longfield

Size, 5; form, oblong somewhat oblique; color, yellow with blush on sun side, dark dots, russeted in cavity; cavity, angular, broad, deep; stem, medium; basin, narrow, shallow, corrugated; calyx, closed; flesh, fine grained; flavor sweet; Season, early autumn. Ames, Iowa. 1896.

Juicy Burr

Size, 5; form, oblate; color, yellowish green striped and splashed with pale red, much russeted in cavity and which extends over the top, numerous white dots; cavity, medium, narrow and deep; stem, medium; basin, broad, medium deep corrugated; calyx half open; flesh, yellowish green, medium juice, flavor, sour; season, early winter, probably same as Hiberual. From C. Wedge. Sept. 9. 1896.

Maryland Redstreak

Size, 4; form, oblate; color, pale, yellow, striped and splashed with red, dots dark colored surrounded by yellow, a little russet in cavity; cavity, medium broad and deep; stem, medium long and slender; basin, broad medium shallow; calyx, half open; flesh, nearly white, firm, nearly juice; flavor, sub-acid, fair; season, autumn. Ames, Iowa. Sept. 10. 1896.

Nortthern Spritzenburgh

Size, 4; form oblate slightly oblate; color, green, overspread with pale red or brown in stripes and splashes, numerous white dots; cavity medium broad and deep; stem, medium long; basin, broad and deep; calyx, closed; flesh, greenish white, medium juice; flavor, sub-acid; season, early autumn. Ames, Iowa. Sept. 10. 1896.


Size, 3; form, oblate somewhat angular and oblique; color, yellowish white overspread with deep rich carmine, where exposed to the sun, brown russet in cavity, narrow and deep; stem medium; basin, broad, angular medium deep; calyx long and half open; flesh, coarse, nearly white tinged with purple; flavor, sub-acid poor. Season, [blank]. Ames, Iowa. Sept. 10 1896.

Wrightman Blush

Size, 6; form, oblate, color, light green, striped and splashed with red, numerous whited dots where blushed but dark on green parts; cavity, medium broad and deep; stem, short; basin, angular, abrupt medium wide and deep; calyx, closed; flesh, white tinged with yellow, medium fine, firm; flavor sub-acid-good; season winter. Ames, Iowa. Sept. 10, 1896.

Joe Davis

Size, 5; form, oblate; color, yellowish, striped and splashed with dull red, numerous black dots, somewhat russeted in cavity; cavity, broad and deep; stem, medium short; basin, broad medium deep; calyx, half open; flesh, white fine grained, firm; flavor, acid, good; season winter. Ames Iowa. Sept. 10 1896.

Sweet Prolific

Size, 7; form, oblate, somewhat oblique; color, greenish yellow, striped and splashed with dull red, numerous, large yellow dots and yellow russet in cavity; cavity narrow abrupt and deep; stem long to slender; basin medium narrow and medium deep somewhat corrugated; calyx half open; flesh, yellowish white, medium coarse; flavor, mild, sub acid not sweet; season, autumn. Ames, Iowa. Sept. 10 1896.

Seedling from Wm. Somerville

Size, 5; form, oblate, slightly oblique inclined to conical; color, yellowish with stripes and splashes of red with numerous, large yellow dots; cavity, narrow, regular and deep, russeted; stem long and slender; basin medium broad, shallow, slightly corrugated; calyx, open; flesh, creamy white, fine grained; flavor sub-acid, spicy, aromatic resembling in quality and other respects, Westfield-Seek-no-Further; season, mid winter; form Wm. Somerville who says of it- It is a seedling. Second crop tree has borne. Appears to be perfectly free from blight and fruit hangs well on the trees to the middle of Sept. or first of Oct. I think it fully as good as the Peerless especially keeping qualities and flavor. Notes made Feb. 14 1897.

Bader No. 2

Size, 5; form, oblate; color, greenish yellow striped and splashed with red, few small dots on sun side; cavity, medium as to width and depth; stem rather short and slender; basin broad, medium deep; calyx, half open; flesh, medium fine, greenish white; sub acid, sprightly good; season, Aug. 15 to Sept. 1 (1896) at Hokah. Blight same as No. 3.

Bader No. 4

Size, 8; form, oblate slightly oblique; color, greenish yellow ground, striped and splashed with red, numerous small yellow dots; cavity, medium both as to depth and width, russeted; stem, short; calyx open in a broad medium deep basin somewhat corrugated at bottom flesh, greenish white, medium fine, firm; flavor, sub-acid good; season. Aug. 15 to Sept. 1 (1896) at Hokah. Seedling originated by Mr. Bader. Free from blight.

T.21. Experiment Station Zolotoreff 2475

Size, 7; form, round oblate; color, green ground, striped and splashed all over with red, numerous white dots; cavity, deep, narrow; stem, short; basin deep, broad, corrugated; flesh greenish, white, medium fine. Described Aug. 8 1896. Specimen a wind fall before fully ripe.

Iowa Beauty

Size, 5; form, roundish oblate; color, greenish, yellow, striped and splashed with red; flesh, white; flavor, sub-acid and good; cavity deep and wide, stem short; basin, very wide and deep; calyx, some what open; Season Aug 1-10 at Charles City, Iowa.


Size, 4; form, round conical, sometimes oblique; color, light yellow overspread with red striped and splashed (sometimes nearly covered with red); numerous minute white dots; cavity, medium deep narrow slightly russeted at base; stem, long tapering; basin very shallow, corrugated; calyx closed; flesh, white fine grained firm; flavor, fair evidently better eater in season. Specimen received from H. C. Graues, Lee’s Summit, Mo. Aug. 8. 1896 of crop of 1895. Received sample July 22 1895. flavor very good.

Robert Smiley Seedling

Size 4 1/2; weight 4 oz; form, round; color, a yellowish green with a tint of red on the sun side, sometimes lightly striped the whole surface is quite thickly covered with whitish or gray dots; stem, medium long set in a small regular cavity; calyx, open in a medium shallow wrinkled basin; flesh, greenish white nearly fine tender and juicy; flavor an agreeable acid; core, medium half open; Origin Fillmore Co., Minn. from seed of Duchess, Tree said to be 35 years old, hardy productive and nearly free from blight, season July and early August (J.L.H.)

Experiment Station supposed to be Rambour Queen

Size, 7; form, oblate oblique; color, yellowish white; cavity, medium broad and medium deep, heavily russeted; stem, medium; calyx, closed in a narrow deep basin; flesh, yellowish white, coarse; flavor, sub-acid poor, season 10 to 20 of Aug. 1896.


Size, 3; form, oblong; color, light green overspread with dull stripes and splashes of carmine, numerous white dots; cavity, narrow deep; stem long slender; basin, broad and deep slightly corrugated; calyx, closed; flesh, firm nearly white medium fine; flavor, acid good; season early winter. From C. Wedge.

Elgin Beauty

Size, 2; form, oblong angular; color, yellowish green overspread with stripes and splashes of red, a few dots; cavity narrow and deep; stem short; basin, broad and shallow, much corrugated; calyx half open; flesh, white fine; flavor, inferior and season Sept. 1-15 (1896). Elgin, Minn. J. H. Rollins. Bears well.

Cramptous No. 2

Size, 2; form, round tapering towards eye; color, dark green overspread with reddish brown, numerous white dots; cavity, medium broad and deep; stem, medium long and slender; basin, broad, angular, shallow slightly corrugated; calyx closed; flavor, acid inferior; season, winter. From C. Wedge. Sept. 1896.

Yellow Sweet

Size, 5; form, oblate; color greenish yellow with blotches of white, sun side splashed with brown; cavity, medium broad and deep; stem, short; basin, broad medium broad and deep; stem, short; basin, broad medium deep slightly corrugated; calyx open; flavor, good; season, summer. From C. Wedge. Sept. 10 1896. Russian.

Regel (169)

Size, small; form, oblong conical slightly oblique; color, dull green striped and splashed with red, numerous white dots; russeted in cavity; cavity medium wide and medium deep; stem, medium long, slender; basin broad, medium deep much corrugated; calyx, open, flesh, firm greenish yellow; flavor, acid; season, probably winter. described Sept. 1896.

Good Peasant

See “Good Pleasant” in Part 1. From Ames, Iowa. Sept. 1896

Long Arcad

Size, 4; form, oblate slightly oblique; color, red on regular ground and darker on sun side, numerous very fine light colored very fine dots; cavity, narrow, deep slightly russeted; stem, slender medium long; basin, broad medium deep, much corrugated at bottom; calyx, half open; flesh, yellowish green juice grained; flavor, sub acid good; season winter. From C. Wedge. Sept. 9 1896. Russian.

Iowa Beauty (Seedling 243)

Size, 7; form, oblate; color, yellowish green striped and splashed with red, darker on sun side, numerous small white dots; cavity broad and deep; stem, short; basin, broad and deep, slightly corrugated; calyx, half closed; flesh greenish white, medium fine, core, small; flavor, sub-acid good; season, Sept. 1-15.
From C. Wedge Sept. 9 1896

Russian Gravenstein

Size, 6; form, oblate, surface a little rough; color, yellow, shaded green and sometimes with a light cheek or faint stripes on the sun sinde; stone, stem, short and stout in a medium irregular greenish cavity; calyx, half open; basin narrow deep and wrinkled or corrugated; flesh, yellow a little coarse; flavor, sprightly, agreeable; season, late August, keeps several weeks; origin Russia; The tree appears very hardy and free from blight. Rather slow coming into bearing with me is doing well with Wm Oxford.


Golden White

Size, 5; weight 5 1/2 oz; form, round; color, light yellow, ground beautifully striped with crimson and lighter red and showing on the surface numerous gray dots; stem, rather long; cavity, narrow regular russeted at bottom; calyx, large in a broad plaited basin; core, open; flesh, white, stained with red nearly fine, tender juicy; flavor, sub-acid, good; season October; origin Russia; Specimen from A.G. Tuttle Baraboo, Wis.



Size, 9; weight 11oz; form, round somewhat flattened; color, yellowish green with light brownish blush or carmine on sun side, surface quite thickly sprinkled with fine light dots; stem short and stout; cavity, deep, funnel shaped, russeted; calyx, small; basin, nearly smooth, deep and regular; flesh, nearly white; flavor, sub-acid, good; season, November; origin Russia. Specimen from A.G. Tuttle, Baraboo, Wis.



Size, 6 to 7; weight 6 1/2 oz; form, oblate, tapering towards the eye; color, yellowish green, striped with purplish red; stem, medium long in a broad deep green russeted cavity; calyx, large closed in a medium broad, regular, nearly smooth basin; flesh, white fine grained; flavor, sweet with trace of sub-acid; quality, very good; season, November and later; The skin is quite thickly set with irregular brown specks or dots, somewhat raised which gives the fruit a rough feeling as if sanded; The variety was originated on the place of A. J. Phillips, West Salem, Wis. from seed of Tallman Sweet, The trees appears to be more hardy than that variety and has much the same habit(?) and appearance in growth.


Lords Apple

Size, 8; weight 9 oz; form, round oblate tapering toward the eye on conical; color a dark purplish red very thickly spotted with brown russet dots; and overspread with blueish bloom; stem, medium rather slender in a narrow deep russeted cavity; calyx partly open; basin, narrow medium deep; flesh, nearly white, tender juicy; flavor, clear pleasant acid; season November and later; The fruit much resembles the Arabskoe, but the quality is better. from A. G. Tuttle.



Size 6 to 7; weight 7 3/4 oz. form, smooth, roundish, oblate; color, yellowish green, striped and splashed with purplish red; stem, short in a rather broad deep, brown russeted cavity; calyx, large partly open; basin, abrupt deep; flesh, greenish yellow nearly fine, tender and juicy; flavor, agreeable acid; season, November and later. The core is small and a little open; originated at Milwaukee, Wis. by George Jeffry. Seed of the Duchess, Tallman Sweet or Bell that to be Duchess. Tree hardy, heavy bearer, fruited keep well, excellent for cooking and eating.


Blue Bearmain

Size, 8; weight 10 1/4 oz. form, round, flattened; color, dull purplish red often brilliant on the sun side, quite thickly set with small russet spots and dots and covered with a white or blush bloom; stem, rather short in a deep russet cavity; calyx, small open, in a deep wrinkled basin; flesh, yellow, fine grained, firm; flavor, mild sub-acid; core, open; season Dec. Jan. The tree here is a moderate grower and note a free bearer. In hardiness it ranks about with the Golden Russet. Although the fruit is always salable it is not a profitable variety to grow.


Townsend Seedling

Size 5 to 6; weight 6 oz; form round oblate; color, yellow ground mostly covered with deep carmine red; stem, short medium; cavity medium regular russeted; calyx close, set in a broad shallow wavy; basin; flesh white slightly stained with red, fine grained firm; juicy; flavor, sub-acid, very good; season, Dec. and Jan. Origin Baraboo, Wis. A beautiful fruit almost perfect in size color and quantity.


Deckers Seedling

Size, 4; form, round ovate; color, yellowish green, shaded brownish blush in the sun; stem long rather slender elastic in a medium deep narrow cavity; calyx closed; basin, narrow and shallow, flesh, pale whitish green, fine grained; flavor, pleasant sub-acid; season, winter; Origin, Winona Co.


Eberhard Seedling

Size 6; weight 6 1/4 oz. form, round conical color, greenish yellow striped with carmine red and thickly covered with gray and brown dots; stem, long medium in a medium deep roughish green russeted cavity; calyx, small closed in a rather narrow wrinkled basin; core, open; flesh, greenish, yellow, nearly fine; flavor; sub-acid, sprightly, juicy, crisp; Season, Dec. to March. Origin, Houston Co., Minn. Seed from which this tree was raised was planted by Mrs. Rachel Day on the farm (now owned by Philips Eberhard in 1855 or 56) variety unknown but supposed to have been carried from Pennsylvania The tree was once broken down by stock and two sprouts were allowed to grow up from the root, one of them has since been chopped down, as many as 30 bushels of apples have been harvested from the two sprouts in a single year. The tree showed some injury from the effects of the winter of 1884 and 5 but greater that were fruity heavily at this time. It has fruited every season for more than 30 years except in 1895, that year the fruit was destroyed by frost.


Kroahlers Seedling

Size 7 1/2; weight 8 1/2 oz; form, flattish or round oblate, slightly angular; color, when ripe a light yellow or dull greenish yellow with splashes of red on sun side and often a marbling of carmine and skin shows a few gray and russet dots; stem medium short in a broad wavy deep cavity; calyx often in medium deep uneven or wrinkled basin; flesh, yellow, nearly fine, tender juicy; flavor, sub-acid good; season October. 1896. but is reported to ordinary keep until mid winter. The tree was found growing in the woods in Mound Prairie, by Tobias Knonklers and removed to his garden about 1886. It matured over three barrels of fine fruit this year (1896). The tree resembles Utter and the fruit is almost identical with it in form and general appearance as well as quality.


Weaver Sweet

Size 7 1/4; weight 7 3/4 oz. form, smooth oblate inclining to conic; color, greenish yellow or light straw when fully ripe, overspread with clear blush on the sun side; stem, short, in a broad deep greenish russeted cavity; calyx open; basin smooth or slightly wrinkled, round medium deep; core medium nearly closed; flesh yellowish white nearly fine juicy; flavor sweet, good; season October; Origin Baraboo Wis.



[Blank description]

Oakland No. 6

Size 5; form smooth round; color, yellow in shade with a vermilion cheek in the sun, sometimes splashed with bright russet; skin, quite thickly set with large white or grayish dots; stem long and slender in a medium narrow cavity russeted at the bottom; calyx, open in a medium plaited basin; flesh, yellow, fine grained; flavor, pleasant acid; core, medium nearly closed; season Sept. to November. Origin from tree sent out by P.M. Gideon.


Bell Pippin

Size, 11; weight 16 1/2 oz; form flat conical, a little angular; color, greenish yellow, marbled and striped with red; stem, short, and stout in a broad rather shallow greenish russeted cavity; calyx, open in a medium ribbed basin; core, open; flesh, greenish yellow half fine, tender; flavor, sub-acid; season Nov. and Dec. Grown by Chas. Hirchinger, Baraboo Wi.


Oakland No. 14

Size 4; weight 4 oz; form, round oblate, slightly angular and ridged; color, light yellow ground overspread on the sun side with vermilion red in marbling and splashes surface sprinkled with numerous gray dots; stem, medium long, slender in a shallow yellowish cavity; calyx open; basin shallow, ridged; core large open; flesh, white, fine grained tender and juicy; flavor pleasant acid; season October. Origin form seedling furnished by Peter M. Gideon.


Oakland No. 30

Size 5; weight 5 oz; form, smooth oblate; color, bright red over a yellow ground sprinkled with round russet dots; stem, medium long in a broad regular medium deep cavity russeted at the bottom; calyx closed in a deep nearly smooth open basin; flesh, yellow stained up next the skin fine grained firm; juicy; favor, delicious sub-acid; core small closed; seeds broad and chestnut brown; season, Oct. and later. Origin form seedling trees sent out by Peter M. Gideon.


Oakland No. 41

Size 4; weight 4 3/4 oz; form, long, cylindrical slightly five sided; color, yellow mostly covered with red in stripes and marblings very deep on sun side; stem; medium in a narrow deep greenish light russeted cavity; calyx, rather large in a broad shallow much wrinkled basin; flesh light yellow slightly tinged with red, nearly fine, tender but firm; juicy; flavor, brisk sub-acid good; season, early winter; Origin from trees sent our by Peter M. Gideon.


Oakland No. 29

Size 6; weight 6 1/2 oz. form, smooth round; color, yellowish white, ground mostly covered with crimson red in stripes, slashes and marblings with few gray dots on the surface; stem, short medium slender in a regular, medium greenish, cavity; calyx closed in a medium somewhat flattened basin; flesh white sometimes stained with red, nearly fine, juicy; flavor pleasant acid; core small closed; season early winter. Origin from Gideon’s seedling.



Oakland No. 28

Size 6; weight 6 oz. form, round cylindrical color, yellow ground, mostly covered with red in stripes and splashes and numerous gray dots showing through; stem medium stout; cavity, narrow deep russeted; calyx large open cavity in a large ridged basin; flesh hard rather coarse; flavor, pleasant sub-acid; season, November; Origin from Peter M. Gideon’s seedling.


Oakland No. 9

Size 3; roundish oblate; color, deep red over a yellow ground faintly striped on a shady side and thickly spattered with gray russet dots; stem long long in a round regular medium cavity russeted at the bottom; calyx, closed in a broad rather deep abrupt corrugated basin; flesh, yellowish, juice, juicy; flavor, rich pleasant acid; season, early October; Origin from seedlings of Peter M. Gideon.


Oakland No. 11

Size 5; form, round slightly five sided; color, yellowish groomed, nearly covered with crimson in stripes and splashes after shading to carmine on sun side; stem short; cavity narrow medium shallow; calyx, partly open; basin medium medium narrow and shallow, wavy wrinkled; flesh light yellow nearly white fine tender; flavor pleasant acid, good; season, middle Sept. Origin form seedling procured by Peter M. Gideon by F. J. Lightly, Oakland. Min.


Oakland No. 16

Size, 5; form, smooth round; color, bright red darkest on sun side, with few small russet dots showing through; stem, medium slender elastic set in a medium smooth narrow yellow russeted cavity; calyx, small closed in a rather deep narrow abrupt nearly smooth basin; flesh, fine, firm, nearly white sometimes trained with red juicy(?); flavor, brisk sub- acid good; season, late September; Origin form seedling from Peter M. Gideon, at Oakland.


J.H. Bruce Seedling No. 1

Size, 5; form, roundish oblate slightly angular; color, light yellow mostly covered with bright crimson red in stripes and splashes; stem, medium; cavity, rather deep and russeted at the bottom; calyx half open; basin, medium deep wrinkled; core, small closed; flesh, white nearly fine, tender; flavor, sub-acid, good will have a fine desert apple as well as for market. Origin Suamico, Wis.


J. H. Bruce No. 2

Size, 7; roundish; color yellow ground marbled and striped with red; stem, medium short set in a medium deep russeted cavity; calyx partly open; basin, abrupt, medium deep nearly smooth; flesh, yellow stained with red a little coarse, crisp and juicy; flavor, sprightly sub-acid, good; core, medium partly open; season September; Origin Suamico, Wis.


Bader No 1

[Blank description]

Bader No. 2

[Blank description]

Bader No. 3

[Blank description]

New Duchess (A.J. Phillips)

Size 6; weight 6 oz; form smooth round oblate; color light yellow nearly covered with red in light stripes deepening into a brilliant deep red on the sun side and quite thickly dotted with small gray specks; stem, short set in a regular medium deep green, light russeted cavity; calyx, closed; basin broad well defined nearly smooth; flesh, light yellow, half fine; flavor, an agreeable acid season 2 weeks later than Duchess.


Rose on Duchess

Size 5. Weight 4 1/2 oz. Form, roundish oblate, slightly conic.



Size 5. Weight 5 oz. Form, round oblate; color, greenish yellow, reddish on sunny side, with carmine striped and splashes; stem, medium long. Cavity medium, yellow, russeted. Calyx, nearly closed. Basin, broad, medium, shallow.


Haugards Seedling

Size, 4; form, round to oblate; color, greenish yellow, dotted; cavity, medium wavy; stem, medium, slender; basin, shallow, narrow, wrinkled; calyx, small closed; flesh, firm, creamy white; flavor rather sweet very good. Season Winter. Tree is a sprout from a crab tree in an old orchard owned by H.A. Howard of Hammond, Wabasha Co., Minn. First premium at Minn. State Fair 1897.


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This work (Apples by Originally Edited by Samuel Green) is free of known copyright restrictions.