
Part 2: Daisy to Fall Pippin

A thumbnail of each apple entry is shown to indicate size of illustrated apple. Click on the image for larger view and download. To download all original files, see Publishers Note. Note: only pages with illustrations are shown, some entries include two pages, the second containing only text which has been transcribed below.


Size 4 to 5; form, smooth round oblate; color, clear waxen yellow with bright deep blush cheek with many minute light gray dots showing through the color; stem, medium in a broad smooth regular cavity; calyx, closed in a medium broad corrugated basin; flesh, white, tender juicy; flavor, pleasant sub acid very good, Season Oct. to Jan. Origin Worthington, Minn. Tree upright vigorous grower.



Size, 5; form, round oblate tapering towards the eye; skin, smooth glossy yellowish green striped and splashed red with few whitish dots; stem, medium slender; cavity, regular, medium, slightly russeted at bottom; calyx small closed in a shallow plain basin; core medium half open; seeds small chestnut brown; flesh, greenish white, fine, juicy; flavor sprightly sub-acid; season Jan to March. The tree when young is a vigorous grower; foliage medium and with the fruit is frequently subject to scab, with age it becomes an enormous bearer on alternate years, The fruit is best for home use, but often too small for market. The tree is not hardy enough for profitable growing in Minnesota.


Rawle’s Jannette

Size 4 to 5; form, roundish conical flat at base varying to flat conical; color, pale yellowish green mostly overspread striped and stained with dull red and a blue or grayish shade appearing like bloom and small gray dots that show most when fruit is well colored; stem, rather long; cavity, wide, regular, rather deep; calyx, nearly closed; basin, open regular medium deep; flesh, greenish yellow, tender; flavor sub-acid. The tree is not regarded hardy. It is an early and heavy bearer and seldom lives to produce more than two crops in southern Minnesota. Season Jan to April.


Red Queen

Size 6; form, round conical oblique; color greenish yellow with blush in light stripes and splashes in sun and grayish dots in the skin; stem, short; cavity, small, shallow with brown russet extending wall out in base or fruit; calyx, large open; basin abrupt deep furrowed; core, partly open; flesh white half fine, tender, juicy; flavor, acid; season, winter; origin Russia.


Golden Ball

Size 4 to 5; form, round; color, deep yellow and thickly sprinkled with light grayish dots; stem, short; cavity, medium considerably plaited; flesh yellow, tender; flavor, mild sub-acid; season late fall.


Scotts Winter

Size 4; form, roundish slightly angular; color, a greenish yellow ground mostly covered with red in stripes and marblings; stem, medium in a rather deep broadly, russeted cavity; basin, rather large irregular wrinkled; flesh, yellow fine, juicy, acid slightly sub acid flavor; core, small nearly closed; season Jan. to March. origin, Vermont. The tree as top worked on Transcendent crab is a young and profuse bearer and apparently as hardy as the Wealthy.



Size 4; form, roundish conical regular; color, light yellow ground mostly covered with a rich red in stains and streaks, and with few minute white dots; stem, rather long slender; cavity, wide open deep; calyx, small nearly closed; basin, shallow slightly furrowed; flesh, yellowish white, tender, juicy, sprightly subacid when fully mature; core, medium with plump brown seeds; season early winter; origin, Kingston, N.Y. This variety has been grown to some extent in south eastern Minn. The tree is not a strong grower and is somewhat subject to canker or patch blight in the crotches and rather short lived. It commences to fruit early and very abundantly and when full of ripe fruit can scarcely be excelled for beauty. It is probable that the life and usefulness of the tree might be considerably prolonged by top working on congenial stocks. The fruit when barreled has an agreeable aroma much like our Wealthy.


Seedling Johnson, No. 3

Size 5; form, round; color, green, shaded brownish red on sun side and quite thickly covered with irregular brown and gray dots; stem, medium long elastic; cavity, regular and dark brown russet at the bottom; calyx closed in a broad wrinkled basin; flesh, greenish yellow, fine grain, hard; flavor, sweet; season, winter.



Size 3; form, round slightly angular; color greenish yellow mostly covered with pink and red stripes and splashes, deeper color on sun side; stem rather long, lender elastic set in a narrow cavity; calyx closed segments often 1/2 inch long; basin medium deep well defined; wrinkled; flesh, yellowish fine tender subacid; season October, originated by O. T. Braudin 1878 and he believes is to be from seed of Palmers Sweet, has seeds of Oldenburg and Tetofsky were planted at the same time. We consider the tree harder that Whitney No. 20 as good in quality of fruit, an earlier bearer and immensely more productive. This corresponds with our experience and observation.


Lord Seedling

Size 4; form round ovate slightly conical; color light yellow shaded with purplish red with deeper red stripes; flesh white sometimes with a shade of red, tender juicy; flavor subacid; core, small closed; stem medium long, cavity narrow deep, green about the stem; calyx, closed; basin medium abrupt corrugated; season Nov. and later; origin Winona Minn. A seedling of the Wealthy.


Wine Sap

Size 4 to 5; form, roundish conical occasionally angular and slightly ribbed; color, yellow ground covered with clear red, stained and striped with darker spots of red and splashed with grayish dots, stem generally long and slender; cavity medium narrow, deep, russeted. Calyx small closed; basin abrupt, ribbed. Flesh yellow, juicy, tender, subacid. Season winter, Origin unknown. The tree ranks about with the Ben Davis for hardiness. In this state it is a slow, rather irregular grower and short lived. It is a regular but not heavy bearer.


Johnson No. 6

Size 5 to 6; form round conic; color yellow and red striped, mostly covered with large whitish dots; flesh, medium fine grained with red; flavor sprightly pleasant acid; stem, medium long; cavity narrow, deep ribbed and russeted; calyx, closed; basin shallow, wrinkled; core, small, closed; Tree 30 years old, originated in Houston Co. from seed brought from Norway, is of broad spreading habit and so far has stood well. Season Winter


Peterson’s Seedling No. 5

Size 5; form, round; color greenish yellow and red stripes; stem, short; cavity, small narrow at bottom; calyx, half open in a broad shallow much wrinkled basin; flesh, yellowish, flavor, subacid; season October; originated by Andrew Peterson of Waconia, from seed of Hibernal.


Seedling of P.D. Anderson

Size 4; form, roundish oblate; color yellow mottled and splashed, light red and deep red on sun side and thickly specked with small gray dots; flesh, nearly white crisp; flavor, subacid; stem, rather short elastic in a smooth rather broad cavity; calyx closed in a broad deeply corrugated basin; core small closed. Origin Carver Co. Tree found in hedge row by roadside. Season Dec. Anderson’s Seedling has closed calyx 


T. Johnson’s No. 4

Size 6; form, round somewhat flattened at the ends; color, yellow and red striped; stem, medium long; cavity, medium broad russeted at bottom; calyx, open; basin, medium slightly wrinkled; flesh, yellowish white crisp, pleasant, flavor subacid; season November; origin unknown.


Haas Fall Queen

Size 5 to 7; form, roundish, oblate conical, slightly angular; color, greenish yellow and red, becoming mostly red when fully ripe; flesh, yellow rather coarse and acid flavor; stem, short; cavity, broad medium, shallow with russet lines often reaching well out onto base; calyx, open in a medium irregular wrinkled basin, season, October.


Gilbert by R.C. Keel

Size 4; form, flatish round; color, greenish yellow, mostly covered with dark red stripes and splashes, and thickly set with small grayish dots; flesh, yellow, nearly fine, pleasant acid; stem, short in a medium smooth green cavity; calyx, open; basin broad and shallow; core open; season, September; origin unknown but believed to be Russian. Tree hardy and productive, moderate grower.


Ohliyee Seedling No. 14 Dr. Hume.

Size 5; form, round ovate oblique; color clear waxen yellow; stem short deeply set in a slightly angular narrow greenish cavity; calyx, open; basin angular ribbed the angles extending well over the top of the fruit; flesh, yellow; fine grained, juicy, melting; flavor, rich subacid; season, November; originated near Winnetago City.


Logna Seedling

Size 5; form, flatish round; color, yellowish green striped and splashed with light and dark red; flesh, greenish yellow, half fine; flavor pleasant acid; stem, medium long slender; cavity, rather broad medium deep; calyx, closed; basin, considerably corrugated medium small; season, January; originated at Theilmantown, Wabasha Co, from seed of the Oldenburg.



Size 5; form, round inclining to ovate; color, greenish yellow, striped with red; flesh, yellowish white; flavor, mild acid; stem, medium long; cavity narrow rather shallow, russeted at bottom; calyx, half open; basin, broad shallow wrinkled; season, September and October; origin, Russia; Tree very good; specimen grown by Andrew Peterson.


Ostrakoff 4m

Size 5; form, round; color, yellowish green, shaded, brownish on the sun side; stem, long thin; cavity, medium; calyx, half open; basin, shallow wrinkled; flesh, yellowish white fine; flavor, sub acid sweet; season, early winter; origin Russia; Tree a vigorous grower, subject to blight, does the best high limestone and clay soils.



Size 4; form, round, conical often oblique and slightly angular; color, yellow and red striped at the base and deep clear red towards the eye; stem, medium in a medium rather narrow cavity; calyx, closed on a flush wrinkled surface or narrow or narrow ribbed; flesh, white fine grained; flavor, pleasant acid; season December; origin Russia. Specimen grown by Andrew Peterson.



Size 4 1/2; form, roundish oblate inclining to conical; color, a greenish ground covered with a very dark red with a blush bloom; stem, short medium; cavity, medium slightly russeted; calyx closed; basin, small wrinkled; flesh, white fine grained, juicy; flavor, pleasant acid; seeds, plump; core, small. Tree a prodigious bearer; season early winter; origin Russia from Oxford.


Charlamoff. (Peterson’s)

Size 4 to 6; form, roundish conical; color, greenish, yellow, striped and splashed with red; flesh greenish white tender; pleasant acid flavor; stem, medium slender in a medium deep with large lobes; calyx nearly closed in a deep wrinkled basin; season September; origin Russia; This is different from the Charlanoff described by R. Schroeder of Moscow or the variety received from Russia by A. G. Tuttle of Baraboo, Wis.



Size 4 to 5; form, smooth round, slightly conic; color, pale yellow mostly covered with stripes and blotches of carmine red; stem, long slender elastic in a regular medium deep greenish cavity; calyx, closed; basin, small shallow, ribbed; flesh, fine grained white tender; flavor, an agreeable mild acid; season, lat of August; tree rather upright medium vigorous grower, productive; originated by Peter M. Gideon. Minn.


La Crescent

Size 5; form, roundish flattened at the ends; color, yellowish green with brownish red on sun side and showing many brown russet dots; stem, rather long; cavity broad green russeted; calyx, medium closed; basin, broad somewhat ridged; core small closed; flesh, white, fine, tender flavor, sub acid; season, winter; originated at La Crescent, Minn. From seed of Transcendent crab.


Palmer’s Seedling

Size 4 1/2; form, slightly angular, long conical; color, yellowish ground mostly covered with a bright crimson red dotted quite thickly with small yellowish specks, some of them having minute brown dots; stem, medium in rather narrow deep cavity lightly russeted at bottom; calyx, small closed in small ridged basin; core, medium large open cells, 3 seeded; seeds, long pointed chestnut brown; flesh fine yellowish white, sometimes stained red on sun side; flavor, mild sub acid; season, winter; origin, Baraboo, Wis.


Kaighn’s Spitzenburgh

Size, 4 to 5; form, round conical inclining to oval; color, yellow striped with a clear bright red; stem, long; cavity, regular rather deep; calyx, closed; basin, medium slightly wrinkled; core, small closed; flesh, yellow, stained with orange red, fine grained, juicy; flavor, sub acid; season, winter. The specimen from which description is made was picked in the orchard of Mr. Layland Aug. 30th and cut Nov. 20th was perfectly sowed and good. There are four trees in his orchard purchased from Viroqua Nursery as a new seedling.



Size 4; form, round oval slightly angular and ridged; color, a yellowish green, mostly shaded light red and narrow deep red stripes or splashes; stem, short, in a narrow, deep grayish russeted cavity; calyx, closed in an abrupt narrow deep parted basin; flesh, creamy white, firm, medium juicy; flavor, pleasant; season late winter, origin, Houston Co. Minn. from seed planted in 1855 which was brought from Canada.


Ole K. No. 3

Size 4; form, oblate; color, green turning yellowish; and more or less covered with light stripes of brownish red; stem, medium short; cavity broad medium deep russeted; calyx, party open; basin, broad; flesh, white, firm, slightly acid; season, late winter. Originated in Sheldon, Houston Co. Minn. Tree of spreading habit.


Thompson’s Seedling

Size 5; form, roundish flattened at the ends; color yellow ground mostly covered with bright deep red with numerous gray russet dots; stem long slender; cavity, broad, deep heavily russeted extending well over base of fruit; calyx, partly open; basin, broad rather deep considerably ridged; flesh, nearly white sometimes stained with red coarse grained; flavor, subacid slightly crabby; season November. Origin Grinby Co. Iowa.


Young’s Greening

Size 4; form, flattish round; color, green becoming yellowish after maturity with fine white dots under the skin; stem, medium in a broad rather deep russeted cavity the russet often extending well over the base; calyx, small closed; basin, medium somewhat ridged or furrowed; core, medium nearly closed; flesh, fine tender; flavor, mild sub acid; season, winter, origin La Crosse Co. Wis.


No name in Mr. H’s book

Size 6; form, regular oblate; color, yellowish green, with a light blush on sun side in faint stripes and toward the eye very thickly splattered with fine whitish dots, larger brownish and more scattering toward the base; stem, short medium in a broad regular cavity; calyx, closed in a medium broad smooth basin; flesh nearly white fine, juicy tender; flavor sub acid, good; core, small closed; season October; sent to be named by A. Wacklander, Blue Earth City, Minn. Oct. 15 1894

– J.S.H.


Size ; form, round; color, yellow and bright red striped; stem, short medium stout; cavity medium, light russet; calyx, closed; basin, medium, slightly corrugated; flesh, pale yellow medium fine; flavor, pleasant acid; season August to September; origin Russia.


Lenn’s Seedling No. 1

Size 6; form roundish oblique conical; color, yellow striped and blotched red and crimson; stem, medium set in a rather deep narrow ridged, greenish or light russeted cavity; calyx, large open in a medium wrinkled basin; core, medium, closed; seeds small dark brown; flesh, yellow a little coarse; flavor, subacid; season, 2 to 3 weeks later than Oldenburg; origin Brownsville Minn. from seed of Oldenburg.


Lenn’s Seedling No. 2

Size 5; form, flattish round slightly ridged; color, yellow mostly covered with red on sun side and blotches of deep crimson and thickly sprinkled with whitish dots under the skin; stem, medium; cavity, medium and broadly russeted; calyx, closed; basin rather deep and much wrinkled; flesh, yellow fine grained juicy; flavor subacid good; season probaly October; origin Brownsville, Minn.


Lenn’s Seedling No. 3

Size 3; form, roundish inclining to oval; color, yellow and red striped; stem, medium stout in a medium deep narrow greenish cavity; calyx closed; basin, broad much corrugated; flesh, yellow medium fine; flavor pleasant acid; season October; origin Brownsville; Minn.


Hirschinger’s Seedling

Size 5; form, round; skin, smooth glossy; color yellow ground mostly covered with scarlet red small brown dots and patches of russet; stem, short in a regular russeted cavity; calyx closed in a broad wrinkled basin russet extending well over the end of the fruit; flesh yellow rather fine; flavor, rich pleasant acid; core, medium open; season, Nov. origin Saulk Co. Wis.


Pattens Seedling

Size 6; form, roundish; color, yellowish green, highly striped with pale red on the sun side; stem, medium in a medium narrow rather deep cavity; calyx, open in a narrow or medium corrugated basin; flesh, yellowish white, medium fine, tender juicy; flavor, pleasant acid or sub acid; season 20th to last of September; originated by C.L Patten, Charles City, Iowa. -J.S.H.

[Blank name]

Size 5 to 6; form oblate tapering toward the eye; color, greenish yellow and brown red, with stripes and blotches of deeper red and very thickly covered with grayish dots; stem, short in a smooth rather broad medium deep cavity; calyx, closed in a medium angular basin; flesh, light yellow fine grained tender; flavor sub acid; originated with Jacob Dabold, Hokah, Minn.


Miller’s Gennetin

Size 5; form, round ovate; color, yellowish green and crimson red, striped and splashed, and sprinkled with grayish dots; stem, short in a narrow regular medium deep greenish cavity; calyx nearly closed in a smoothish abrupt wrinkled medium deep basin; flesh, greenish white, half fine mild acid; season, November.


Marshall Seedling

Size 4; form, flat round; color, deep red with a few orange red stripes on the shade side quite thickly sprinkled with minute gray dots; stem, medium very stout set in a broad rather deep cavity with light russet at the bottom; calyx, closed in a rather large ridged basin; core, partly open medium; seeds, oval plump, dark chestnut brown; flesh, white, fine tender; flavor, pleasant sub acid; season October; This specimen received by mail from Joseph Marshall, Sept. 20 1894 at Worthington Minn. He writes that this is the third year the tree has fruited and that the tree is very hardy.


Minnesota Crab

Size very large 2 to 3; form, round to round oblong; color light yellow after splashed or mottled with blush and yellow on sun side or when allowed to fully ripen on the tree; stem, rather long slender; cavity, smooth medium deep regular; calyx, large closed; basin, shallow corrugated; flesh, creamy white fine grained, juicy; flavor, mild subacid slightly aromatic sweet good; season, October to January. The tree is only a medium rather spreading grower does not commence fruiting as early as the hybrids generally but bears liberally with age and it is growing in favor especially on high lime stone soils.


Subsk Queen

Size medium to large; form, roundish flattened at the ends; color, light yellow with bright blush on sun side with numerous fine irregular grayish dots showing through the skin; flesh nearly white; flavor, pleasant acid; stem, medium long in a smooth regular greenish cavity; calyx, closed in a broad much wrinkled basin; season, early autumn, a beautiful fruit from Russia.


Pride of Minneapolis

Size large; form, angular conical; color when ripe lemon yellow, becoming rusty when over ripe; stem, very long slender; cavity, medium; calyx, closed; basin, broad shallow wrinkled; flesh, deep yellow, fine, firm, juicy; flavor quite acid and a little acid. This fruit is excellent for jellies or canning and mixed with sweet apples makes fine cider. Tree hardy, very free form blight and a heavy bearer; season October, originated by Wyman Elliot, Minneapolis, Minn.


Honey Sweet

Size, medium large; form, round slightly angular; color, yellowish green with blush cheek to sun; stem, slender; cavity, medium; calyx closed; basin, broad shallow wrinkled;flesh, yellow; flavor sweet; season, October; originated by Wyman Elliot of Minneapolis, from seed. Tree very productive notes hardy as the Pride.


Quaker Beauty

Size large; form, round conical, angular slightly ridged; color, straw yellow, blush in sun and often nearly covered with brownish blush; stem, long cavity narrow deep light russet; calyx, closed; basin, shallow ridged and corrugated; flesh, pale yellow rather dry; flavor subacid sweet; season late autumn.


Maiden’s Blush, crab

Size medium large; form, round slightly angular; color, creamy white with blush cheek; stem rather long in a broad medium deep regular cavity; calyx, closed; basin, very shallow wrinkled; flesh, nearly white, fine crisp; season, October; core, small closed; seeds, small plump chestnut brown.



Size 2; form, round; color, purplish red over a yellow ground and thickly sprinkled with fine gray dots; stem, long slender; cavity, narrow; calyx, closed; basin, flat corrugated or wrinkled; flesh, yellow; flavor, crabby keeps into winter but becoming mealy; Tree rather subjected to blight, does best on high clay and lime stone soils.


Sudlows Wax

Size 5 to 6; form, roundish, conical, clear whitish yellow with blush on sun side; stem, medium in a medium narrow regular cavity; calyx, closed in a medium deep slightly wrinkled basin; flesh, yellowish white fine grained; flavor, acid used in cooking; season October; origin Minnesota.


Gibb Crab

Size, very large (3); form, oblate, color; deep clear yellow; stem, medium short thick; cavity, medium, regular, smooth; calyx, small, closed; basin, shallow, broad, wrinkled; flesh, fine, firm, juicy, deep orange yellow; flavor, agreeable acid. For kitchen use. Origin Wisconsin. September.


Richland Beauty Crab

Size, large; form, roundish, flattened at the ends; color, pink and crimson striped showing a few irregular fine whitish dots, has a blueish bloom; stem, rather long slender in a narrow rather deep light russeted cavity; calyx closed; basin, broad wrinkled, nearly flush; flesh, yellowish often strained red, fine crisp grain; flavor, good. Origin Wisconsin.



Size, large; form, round, slightly angular; color, red striped on shady side, deep red on sun side, irregular russet spots on the skin; stem, long and slender in a narrow, deep russeted cavity; calyx small closed in a shallow nearly smooth basin; flesh dry nearly white; flavor, sweet. September 1st.


Sylvan Sweet

Size, large; form, roundish, flattened at the ends; ground color varying from very light to deep yellow and colored with blush to deep red, studded with irregular gray and brown spots; flesh, yellow; flavor, sweet; stem, medium length; cavity medium; calyx open; basin medium to broad and shallow, wrinkled at the bottom; Quality superior for baking. September 1st to 15th.


Virginia Crab

Size, large; form, round; color, yellow and blush red, somewhat striped, quite thickly covered with gray dots toward the eye; stem, rather long; cavity medium; calyx, closed; basin shallow; flesh, yellow crisp; flavor, acid; September. Tree, hardy and nearly free from blight.


Whitney No. 20 Crab

Size, very large (2); form, varying from round to conical; color, yellow striped with red; mostly covered with red on the sun side; stem, medium to long; cavity medium; calyx, nearly closed on a corrugated flush or shallow basin; flesh, yellow, medium fine; flavor, pleasant subacid, good; core, open. The tree is a nearly hardy upright symmetrical grower and does best on high limestone and clay soils. Origin, Cottage Grove, Ill. September.


Orange Crab

Size, large; form, round; color, deep yellow, slightly russeted; stem, long and slender; cavity medium; calyx closed; basin, corrugated, shallow; flesh, firm, very deep yellow; flavor, subacid, sweet. October.


Norway Seedling

Size, small to medium; form, oblate; color, yellow, striped and splashed with bright red; flesh, yellow, fine grained, firm; flavor, subacid; stem long; cavity, medium broad, russeted; calyx, closed; basin, broad, shallow, somewhat wrinkled.


Dartt’s Hybrid

Size, 2; form, round conical; color, yellow mostly covered with faint red stripes and yellowish dots and a whitish bloom; stem, long and slender; cavity, rather narrow and deep; calyx, closed; basin, shallow, deeply wrinkled; flesh yellow, not quite fine; flavor, subacid. September and October. Origin, Owatonna from seed of Tetfsky.


Alaska Crab

Size, very large (2); form, angular, ovate conical; color, yellow, red striped; stem short, cavity, broad and shallow; calyx on a flush wrinkled basin; core, medium open; flesh, inclined to become mealy; flavor, subacid somewhat astringent.


Martha Crab.

Size, 1; form, round oblate; color, yellow nearly covered with pinkish red; stem, long slender; cavity, broad, medium depth; calyx, closed; basin, broad, shallow; flesh, yellow fine grained; flavor acid. September.


Gideon No. 6.

Size, large (1); form, round; color, deep purplish red with many fine gray dots, thicker towards the eye; stem, medium; cavity medium; calyx, closed; basin, broad medium depth; flesh, white fine; flavor, pleasant acid. September.


Golden Russet

Size 4 to 5; form, oblate; color, greenish yellow covered with a dull brown russet frequently tinged with red on sun side; stem, short; cavity; broad greenish russet; calyx, closed in a medium corrugated basin; flesh, yellow, fine grained; flavor, subacid rich; season, all winter. Specimen vary in form on same tree some berry roundish ovate, others considerably flattened; Tree vigorous half hardy from Minnesota.


Artie crab.

Size large; form, round oblate; color, yellowish green, stripped and splashed with brownish red and the skin quite thickly marked with grayish russet dots and splash of russet; stem, medium; cavity, wide shallow, calyx, medium large closed; basin, broad deeply corrugated; flesh, greenish, fine; flavor, subacid.



Size, medium large; form, oblate or round oblate; color, white or creamy white many irregular white dots showing in the skin; stem, short and stout set in a greenish russeted broad shallow cavity; calyx, closed in a broad shallow basin, considerably wrinkled; flesh, white, tender juicy; flavor, pleasant acid a trace of subacid good; season August.


White Transparent

Size 7; form, round tapering toward the eye slightly angular; color, pale greenish white with few irregular brown or russet dots; flesh, white, tender, juicy, fine grained; flavor, pleasant and good; core medium open; stem, long, stout, elastic; cavity medium deep regular green sometimes russeted; calyx, closed or half open in a small somewhat plaited basin; season, August; origin Russia.


Carson seed No. 1.

Size, 7; form, roundish, angular, somewhat ribbed; color, pale greenish yellow, striped and splashed with crimson red on sun side; stem, medium in a rather deep ridged green cavity; calyx, open in a rather deep angular basin; core, large open flesh greenish white, a little coarse; flavor agreeable acid; season, September; originated with John Carson.
Dakota, Winona Co., Minn.



Size 5; form, round conic; color, green white dotted and striped with brown and red on sun side; stem, short medium in an oblique rather shallow green russeted cavity; calyx, closed; basin, flat ribbed; core, half open; flesh, greenish; flavor acid used for cooking; season, early winter; origin Russia.



Size 5 to 7; form, round conical; color, straw yellow and red top with splashes of deeper red on sun side; core, small and closed; stem, medium long; cavity, regular medium deep russeted at the bottom; calyx, nearly closed; basin, medium wrinkled; flesh, fine, white, firm; flavor, pleasant acid; season, early winter; tree upright vigorous, hardy; origin, Russia.

– J.S.H.


Size 7, large; form, round oblate; color, yellow marbled with pink and stripes and splashes of bright red; flesh white, sometimes tinged with red tender; flavor, agreeable acid with good often taste; stem, rather long in a deep regular green or pale russet cavity; calyx, half open in a medium ridged basin; season, a few days later than Oldenburg, and hangs to tree more firmly; origin Russia.



Size medium to large; form, flat conic angular and slightly ridged; color, yellowish green, striped with red with numerous grayish dots on the skin; stem, medium long, stout; cavity, broad, russeted; calyx, closed; basin, medium broad considerably ridged; flesh, greenish yellow, fine, firm; flavor, pleasant acid; season, late winter; originated at Winnebago City, Minn. from seed planted by Mrs. Hotskish.



Size 5 to 6; form, roundish conic; color, light straw, dotted with gray and brown dots; stem, long; cavity rather deep somewhat angular; calyx, small closed in a medium wrinkled basin; flesh, yellowish white, nearly fine juicy; flavor, pleasant acid slightly subacid good; season, autumn; origin, said to be in Minnesota.


Price Sweet

Size, 4; form, round or round oblique; color, yellow mostly covered with a marbly or russetty red with splasheds of of bright red and numerous rather large russet dots; stem, long in a deep narrow yellow russeted cavity; calyx, medium closed set in a deep well defined wrinkled basin; core, small closed; flesh white fine, juicy; flavor, sweet; season, September to December; tree when young a very profuse bearer; use, kitchen, market and cider.


Czars Thom

Size 7; form, round ovate conical; color, yellowish green shaded with dull russet red in the sun; stem medium in a broad angular yellow russeted cavity; the russet often covering the whole base; calyx, closed in a medium deep much wrinkled basin; core, open; flesh, light greenish white; flavor, sweet; origin Russia.


Miller’s Pippin

Size 5; form, round conical angular or five sided and slightly ribbed at the top; color, yelllow in shade and deep red on sun side, skin quite thickly covered with gray dots; stem, medium long; cavity, medium broad slightly russeted at bottom; calyx, open; basin, narrow deep ridged; flesh, yellowish white, half fine; flavor, mild subacid, quality only fair; season, Oct. a seedling originated Geo. Miller of Rice Co. Minn.


Volga Cross

Size 6; form, round conical; color, ground yellowish green, brownish red on sun side with gray or russeted dots scattered thickly over the surface; stem, short and slender in a medium deep funnel shaped cavity russeted; calyx, small half open in a narrow rather deep ribbed basin; flesh, fine grained greenish white, firm; flavor, mild, acid quality poor; season, winter; origin Russia.


Russian Green

Size 4 to 5; form, roundish oblate angular; color, light green; stripped on sun side with red; stem, short in a broad deep cavity; calyx, half open in a medium wrinkled cavity; flesh, greenish white with dark green waterline around the core, tender, juicy; flavor, mild acid; season, October; origin Russia.



Size 4; form, round slightly angular; color, greenish yellow mostly covered with marblings and stripes of red; stem, long in a medium cavity; calyx, half open; basin, small shallow wrinkled; flesh, nearly white; flavor, pleasant acid; season, October 1st or earlier.


Red Cloud

Size 5; form, round slightly conical; color, clouded a light and dark red over a yellow ground; stem, long and slender; cavity, regular medium; calyx open; basin, medium ridged; core medium half open; flesh, fine white often stained red, tender, juicy; flavor, aromatic sub acid; quality very good; a most beautiful fruit, seedling by Mr. Otto Wasserzisher. Bay Lake, Minn.


Bay Lake Sweet

Size 5; form, round conic; color, yellow marbled and striped with red on sun side and showing numerous fine gray dots; stem, very long slender in a regular medium cavity; calyx, closed in a nearly smooth round medium deep basin; flesh, white, firm, fine; flavor, sweet; season, winter; origin Bay Lake, Minn.



Size 8; form flat conical often angular and oblique; color, yellowish green more or less striped with red and with many large grayish dots; stem, medium long set in a broad deed heavy russeted cavity; calyx, large open in a medium wrinkled basin; flesh, coarse, greenish white; flavor acid; season, Dec. to Jan. origin Russia.



Size 4 to 5; form, roundish conical; color, yellow; stem, medium; cavity, rather deep russeted; calyx, small closed in a broad shallow wrinkled basin; flesh, yellow, fine; favor, rich sweet; season winter.



Size 5; form, round oblate; color, yellow nearly covered with stripes and splashes of crimson red; stem, medium; cavity, regular, greenish russeted; calyx, closed; basin, smallish, wrinkled; flesh, yellow, fine grained; flavor, subacid, very good; season October; supported to be a chance seedling.


Profile Seedling

Size 2; form, round oval; color, yellowish pale green and blush; stem, medium; cavity, narrow angular; calyx, closed in a small corrugated basin; flesh, yellowish white; form, a little tough; flavor, pleasant acid; season, winter; origin Bay Lake, Minn. Probably Siberian Hybrid.


Lymans Prolific

Size 2 to 3; form, roundish slightly comic; color, yellow and red, striped and splashed; stem, long and slender; cavity, narrow; calyx, closed; basin, medium, wrinkled; flesh, yellow nearly fine; flavor, mild acid, slightly acid, quality fine; core, small and closed; used for cooking; origin Excelsior by Mr. Lyman. The tree is hardy and productive.



Size 1; form roundish oblate; color, a yellowish ground over-spread with red and somewhat stripped on shady side; skin quite thickly covered with irregular grayish dots and specks; stem, long and slender; cavity medium broad russeted; calyx medium on a broad shallow basin; flesh yellowish white fine; flavor pleasant acid.


Blush Seedling

Size 3; form, cylindrical slightly conic; color, yellow with a brownish blushed and stripped cheek; stem, medium; cavity, broad slightly angular; calyx, small, closed; basin, broad much wrinkled; flesh, yellowish, nearly fine hard, juicy, mild acid; season, winter; core, rather large.


Miller’s Prolific

Size 4; form, roundish oblique; color, greenish yellow with light stripes and splashes of red on sun side; stem, rather long in a broad greenish cavity; calyx, closed in a medium deep angular basin; core, small closed; flesh, yellowish white tender juicy; flavor, acid slightly subacid; originated by Gs. Miller; season October.


George Miller’s Greening

Size 5; form, roundish angular, slightly conical; color, greenish yellow with blush cheek and showing numerous small gray dots on sun side; stem, short and stout in a medium russeted cavity; calyx, large half open; basin, narrow medium, deep, ribbed, flesh, yellow nearly fine; flavor, sub acid good; season, early winter; originated by George Miller.


Repka Melenka

Size 4; form, round, conical, angular; color, light green, striped with dull red; stem, medium; cavity, deep, russeted at bottom; calyx, closed; basin, narrow abrupt wrinkled; flesh, greenish white firm; flavor, mild sub acid; season, Feb. to April; origin Russia. J.S.H.


Size 5; form, round conical; color, greenish yellow; stripped and splashed red very thickly covered with grayish dots; stem, long in a rather deep cavity; russeted at bottom; calyx, partly open in a narrow wrinkled basin; flesh, nearly fine, yellow; flavor, sub acid, good; grown by Andrew Peterson, Waconia; season, mid winter.


Canada Red

Size 4 1/2; form, roundish; color, yellow ground, nearly covered with a crimson red partly striped and pretty well covered with irregular grayish dots and small spots; stem, medium long in a regular deep narrow russeted cavity; calyx, closed, set in a shallow plaited basin; flesh, yellow, fine grain; flavor brisk sub acid, good; season, winter.



Size 8; form, smooth roundish slightly oblique; color, green, mostly overspread with dark purplish red and thickly dotted with irregular grayish dots and over all a blueish bloom; stem, thick, long elastic; cavity, broad, rather deep russeted; calyx closed in a deep irregular ribbed basin; flesh greenish white, juicy, a little coarse; flavor, acid; season, winter; introduced from Russia. Winter Jan and perhaps later tree blights hardy.


Grimes Golden

Size 4 to 5; form, cylindrical somewhat angular; color, the skin when fruit is fully ripe is a rich light golden yellow with minute lightish gray dots showing through; stem, medium; cavity, deep narrow; calyx, partly open; basin, deep, abrupt, angular; core, rather open; flesh, yellow, juicy, crisp rich; flavor sub acid fine, origin Virginia; season winter. The Grimes Golden has not proved hardy enough with me to warrant extensive planting. Mr. Phillips of Wisconsin thinks well of it top worked on Virginia crab.


Gipsy Girl

Size 8; form, globular, often round conical; color, greenish yellow, striped and splashed with red on sun side; stem, medium in a deep rather narrow cavity; calyx, half open in a medium wrinkled basin; flesh, pale greenish yellow, tender, light a little coarse; flavor, mild agreeable acid; season early autumn; origin Russia. Tree received from Iowa Agricultural College as Gipsy Girl.


Willow Twig

Size 6; form, roundish somewhat oblate; color, greenish light yellow shaded and marbled with dull red and sprinkled with numerous gray or russet dots; stem, medium short and slender; cavity, narrow sometimes partly closed with a lip; calyx, partly closed in an abrupt somewhat corrugated basin; flesh yellowish not very tender; flavor, sub acid good; season Feb. to May. Trees received from the late P.A. Jewett have done very well in Houston and Winona Cos previous 1885 survive then they have been slow to recover from injuries received this winter.


Red Mushrooms

from Elin Crupps. Columbus, Wis.
Size medium; form ovate conical; color, dark yellow nearly covered with yellowish red and deep crimson in stripes and blotches with yellow and brown dots showing through; stem, short medium; cavity, narrow deep rough green russeted; calyx half open; basin, narrow, shallow half open, wrinkled flesh greenish white sometimes tinged red a little coarse juicy; flavor, agreeable acid; season September; origin Russia.


Windsor Chief

Size 5; form, oblate; color, green, brown red, on sun side; skin quite thickly covered with large gray green dots frequently brown in center; stem, medium in a broad greenish russeted cavity; calyx, closed; basin, medium somewhat angular, ridged; flesh, greenish white, fine, firm; flavor, sub-acid. fair. good keep.


Zettel’s Duchess Seedling No. 1

Size 5; form, roundish cylindrical slightly five angled; color, mostly a pinkish red or carmine over a yellow ground and specked with gray dots on the sun side; stem, medium short; cavity, rather deep yellow russeted; calyx, large open in a medium broad slightly fine, firm; flavor, rub acid or mild acid; season, October; originated by Joseph Zettel, Door, Co. Wis. The note says a great bearer and very hardy tree.


Zettel No. 2.

Size 6 yo 7; form, round tapering toward the eye and slightly angular or five sided; color, very light greenish yellow or white mostly covered on the sun side with rosy salmon and splashes of carmine and skin thickly marked with irregular grayish dots; stem, short in a medium deep narrow funnel shaped cavity; calyx, large, open in a medium wrinkled basin; core medium closed; flesh, pale yellowish white nearly fine, tender juicy mild pleasant acid flavor; season Sept. 15 to Oct. originated by Joseph Zettel, Door Co. Wis. form seed of Oldenburg. Mr. Zettel says: “Fruit always large; tree great bearer 10 acres of them would be a fortune.”


Zettel’s No. 3.

Size, 5; form, regular oval; slightly five sided; color, when ripe pale lemon yellow with blush and carmine spots on sun side; stem, long in a narrow regular cavity; calyx, open in a medium deeply furrowed basin; core small nearly closed; flesh, nearly fine, light yellow, tender, sprightly sub-acid flavor, very good; season October.


Zettel’s No. 4

Size, 4; form, round cylindrical; color, pale whitish lemon with blush on sun side with few round spots and fine whitish dots; stem, medium in a smooth deep cavity slightly russeted at bottom; calyx, open; basin broad medium deep wrinkled; core, medium half open; flesh, yellowish white nearly fine tender juicy; flavor, pleasant acid; season, early winter; originator says “Tree hardy as an oak good bearer keeps until mid-winter.”


Zettel’s No. 3

Size, 4; form, round oblate conical; color, yellowish green with blushed cheek, sometime splashed with deeper red; stem, medium in a rather deep funnel shaped russeted cavity; calyx, closed in a small corrugated basin; flesh nearly fine, greenish white, juicy; flavor, mild acid; core medium; season October; origin Door Co. Wisconsin. Originator says- Tree a great bearer, fruit good shipper, not wormy.


Zettel’s No. 6

Size, 6; form, round oblate; color, yellowish ground, mostly covered with red and splashes of crimson; stem, medium in a regular, greenish, deep funnel shaped cavity; calyx, large open; basin, broad medium deep, ridged or wrinkled; flesh, nearly white, fine, tender juicy; flavor, mild acid; core, medium, partly open; season early October; origin Door Co, Wisconsin, Originator says- Tree great bearer-fruit will not keep long.


Zettel’s, No. 7

Size, 7; form, roundish; color, light green and red stripped; stem long in a medium deep slightly russeted cavity; calyx, open in a medium deep smooth basin; flesh, greenish white, note quite fine; flavor acid; core, open; season, September, an almost expected reproduction of Oldenburg; origin, Door Co., Wisconsin; Originator says, Tree fine, very hardy.


Fall Pippin

Size 9 to 10; form, roundish regular; skin smooth, yellowish green becoming a fine yellow, often with a brownish blush cheek and a few brownish dots through skin; stem, medium long, set in a rather variable cavity frequently quite shallow; calyx, medium in a rather deep round basin; flesh, yellowish white tender; flavor, rich sub acid; season, September and October. This variety has been grown considerably in Houston Co. and previously to 1884 was regularly exhibited at our State Fairs.



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