Book Title: The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples

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Book Description: Provides both inspiration and guidance for those beginning work on affordable content and evidence of the growth that has occurred in this arena over the last decade.
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Book Description
The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples provides both inspiration and guidance for those beginning work on affordable content and evidence of the growth that has occurred in this arena over the last decade. While some institutions have been providing students affordable content options for over 100 years, many others have found the need to launch new programs in response to the escalating costs of higher education and the impact that has on student learning. This book provides examples from different types and sizes of institutions and includes voices from a wide range of contributors including faculty, instructional designers, academic technologists, librarians, bookstore staff, and more. The Evolution of Affordable Content demonstrates the range of affordable content options that are possible today–from openly licensed content to library licensed materials and all inclusive purchase models to institution-wide student textbook rental models.
The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples Copyright © 2018 by Kristi Jensen and Shane Nackerud, selection and editorial material (individual chapters, the contributors) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.