Book Title: Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching

Subtitle: 2nd edition

Author: Timothy J. Lensmire

Cover image for Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching

Book Description: Originally published in 2000, Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching is, at once, a defense, a criticism, and a reconstruction of progressive and critical literacy approaches. In it, Lensmire makes eloquent use of Bakhtin’s theories of carnival and discourse, as well as Dewey’s vision of radical democratic education. This groundbreaking study is now available open access and features a foreword written for the 2nd edition by Nathan Snaza.


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Book Information

Book Description

In Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching, Lensmire explores the teaching of writing through striking metaphors—the writing classroom as a carnival or popular festival; the teacher as a novelist who writes their student-characters into more and less desirable classroom stories. Grounded in Lensmire’s own and others’ work in schools, and taking inspiration from Bakhtin’s writing on language and Dewey’s conception of creative democracy, this lively and provocative study also theorizes student voice, response to students’ texts, and classroom community. Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching is, at once, a defense, a criticism, and a reconstruction of progressive and critical literacy approaches.


Timothy J. Lensmire


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching Copyright © 2024 by Timothy J. Lensmire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Philosophy and theory of education


Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching
Timothy J. Lensmire

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching Copyright © 2024 by Timothy J. Lensmire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Chapters 1-3 are reused with permission from the original publishers and are not openly licensed. The rest of the book is available under Creative Commons licensing. See chapter level permissions for further details.

Primary Subject
Philosophy and theory of education
Additional Subject(s)
Progressive education, Teaching of reading, writing and numeracy
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Publication Date
June 28, 2024
Ebook ISBN