
27 Program assessment

Progress testing

Progress testing with scaffolded OSCEs has allowed programs to identify cohort weaknesses and target training. However, biases and assessor training may also impact scores when compared across programs.

Labs vs on the job training

Tolsgaard was able to show that laboratory and/or simulation training was much more efficient than clinical training for gynecological ultrasound skills. Similar approaches could be useful for assessing other programs and skills.


DeMuth RH et al. Progress on a New Kind of Progress Test: Assessing Medical Students’ Clinical Skills. Acad Med. 2018;93:724–728

Assessment and learning of ultrasound skills in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dan Med J 2018;65(2):B5445

Biaglioli FE et al. The Electronic Health Record Objective Structured Clinical Examination: Assessing Student Competency in Patient Interactions While Using the Electronic Health Record. Acad Med. 2017;92:87–91.

Schleicher I et al. Does quantity ensure quality? Standardized OSCE-stations for outcome-oriented evaluation of practical skills at different medical faculties. Annals of Anatomy 212 (2017) 55–60