1.9.1 Grammar 2: agreement

Agreement is a grammatical term that really means making two or more grammatical elements match.  In Spanish that can be making a verb match its subject, indicating plurality, or gender agreement.  Let’s review the two you probably find rather easy before we move on to the one that is hard.

Verbal agreement.

When you conjugate a verb, you are making it agree with its subject.  As you know, the subject pronouns in Spanish are:


Singular Plural
First person yo nosotros/nosotras/nosotres
Second person informal

Vos (in parts of Latin America)

vosotros/vosotras/vosotres (in most of Spain)
Third person or

Second person formal




Ustedes (both formal and informal in Latin America)


English also has subject verb agreement, although to a lesser degree than Spanish.


Both English and Spanish mark nouns for plurality and both languages have multiple forms to indicate plurality.  Take a look at this table, all the forms should look very familiar to you:




cat cats
apple Apples (say it out loud to hear how it’s different from the ending of cats)
fish fishes


El gato / la gata Los gatos / Las gatas
La pared Las paredes


Finally, there are irregular forms in both Spanish and English.  Here are some examples:

Painting of two moose on a snowy background
Carl Brandt (Swedish, 1871 – 1930), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

😣Mouse → Mice

🙁 Ox→ oxen

😡Goose→ Geese

But of course→

😡Moose→ Moose


Exceptions are also a thing in Spanish:

Caries es caries 😡😡😡




So far, so good.  However, as you’ll review in this chapter, Spanish adds the additional wrinkle of gender agreement that English does not have.


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