
Bovine Lameness and Podiatry

How to – Apply hoof block

Goal- Use the block to lift the affected foot off the ground so that the lame digit is not weight bearing and can heal. [This is not necessary if the sore digit can be kept off the ground with trimming.]

Step 1. Properly trim the healthy hoof

  • The block should be perpendicular to the long axis of the leg; this means the heels have to be balanced.

Step 2. Pick the right sized block

  • Plastic blocks are useful in high wear environments (eg sand). Generally thicker blocks are used.

different types of blocks

Step 3. Roughen the foot

  • Use a grinder to lightly remove the horn and debris.

Step 4. Dry hoof and block

  • The foot needs to be clean and dry. Dry the hoof and block  with a heat gun.

trimming and drying the foot

Step 5. Apply glue to block

  • Two part component clue
  • Apply 1/8″ glue to weight bearing areas: to the toe triangle and along the wall; avoid the flexor tuberosity area

how ad where to apply glue, avoiding the flexor tuberosity area

Step 6. Lightly press block on hoof

  • Too much pressure will squeeze the glue out.
  • Smooth the glue around the edges with a tongue depressor
  • Ensure the block extends over the heel area; if excessive it can be trimmed back

placing the wooden block

Step 7. Check positioning and fix if needed

  • Walking can be improved by using a grinder to create an angle to the block (roll over)

creating a rocker effect

  • Ensure the other digit is protected from weight bearing and that the entire block will be weight bearing. Adjust if needed. 

checking to verify the other digit isn't weight bearing

Step 8. Reassess in 4 -6 weeks


MN Dairy Quality Cares – Lameness, best management practices


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Large Animal Surgery - Supplemental Notes Copyright © by Erin Malone, DVM, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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