H5P activities list

This book includes 421 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
81(2.2.) Based on the text, mark स (सही) or ग़ (ग़लत) next to each statement.Fill in the Blanks
82(2.3.) Short answer questions.Fill in the Blanks
83(6.1.) Based on the interview, mark स (सही) or ग़ (ग़लत) next to each statement.Fill in the Blanks
84(6.2) Choose the most appropriate answer.Fill in the Blanks
85(6.3.) Answer the following questions.Fill in the Blanks
86(7.1.) Short answer questions based on the text.Fill in the Blanks
87(7.2.) Match the nouns in the left column with the verbs in the right column.Drag Text
88(7.3.) Choose the correct answers and fill them in the blanks.Multiple Choice
897.3. 2Multiple Choice
907.3 2Multiple Choice
91४. डा. बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर ने ………………… बनाया था ।Multiple Choice
92५. संविधान कहता है देश की सामाजिक और ........ को दूर करना।Multiple Choice
93६. ........ लोकशाही का पवित्र मंदिर है।Multiple Choice
94(7.4.) The following words are derivations of some words introduced in the text. Please locate the words and make a sentence using each of those words.Fill in the Blanks
95(8.1.) Based on the interview, mark स (सही) or ग़ (ग़लत) next to each statement.Fill in the Blanks
96(8.2.) Match the words in the left column with the most appropriate verbs in the right column.Drag Text
97(8.3.) Answer the following questions in Hindi.Fill in the Blanks
98(8.4.) इन शब्दों से वाक्य बनाइये । Write sentences using the following phrases.Fill in the Blanks
99(Ex.1.1.) Fill in the blanks with the correct verbal phrases using the infinitive verbs given in the brackets.Fill in the Blanks
100(Ex.1.2.) Translate the following sentences into Hindi.Fill in the Blanks
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