13 What learning activities might be useful and fun?
These are just suggestions.
Create a mystery to solve!
Why is the rabbit not eating or why does the dog have diarrhea? Provide clues and red herrings (false clues). Provide the answer and a resource that explains it.
- Set up clue cards that can be printed out for a classroom game
- Use your favorite card game or board game as a platform
- Create a digital escape room using google forms
Create fun retrieval practice activities
- Use the H5P modules in the ebook (see left menu)
- these modules include memory games, crossword puzzles and more!
- Create knowledge cards for a board game (replace the monopoly cards, etc)
- Make a knowledge bingo game
- Create an online quiz or slide deck game
- 50-FREE-Templates-for-Teachers-ebook
- Use H5P for matching
- Jeopardy games continue to enthrall!
- Create a coloring book or story book
- Create a choose your adventure story
- Create a virtual escape room
Develop a maker space project
- Help students visualize the anatomy or anatomy/physiology connections
- Schools often have space and equipment, including 3D printers!
- Playdoh is fun for all ages
- Use candy or art supplies to model the GI tract of a particular species
Create a group activity
- Scavenger hunt
- Communication challenge
- Quiz bowl
- Mystery game
- Olympics competition
Check out online teaching sites for games and final project ideas
What did you enjoy in your earlier school years? How can you adapt that?
What is still fun? How can you pull that in?
More ideas
- Teaching Early and Elementary Stem
- Introduction to curriculum for early childhood education
- Making science instruction compelling for all students
Don’t forget to provide your learning content to go with your fun activity!