25 Tiny Helpers: Microvilli in the Intestines!
Madelynn Brown; Snow Li; and Micaela Sanchez Cereceda
Tiny Helpers: Microvilli in the Intestines!
What are microvilli? What do they look like and what do they do?
Let’s explore how a puppy’s intestines uses the breakfast he eats! The intestines are a very important part in how our bodies can take the yummy food we eat and use it to fuel our bodies. In this lesson, you will learn where the microvilli are located within the GI tract and what they do.
Watch this video about Mike the Mighty Microvilli to learn more about where the microvilli are located and what they do!
Crafting Microvilli Models
Lets put what you just learned into art! First lets make sure we have Play-Doh, or something like it, pipe cleaners and scissors nearby. We will pretend that the Play-Doh is the intestinal wall. Roll the Play-Doh out into a long pancake, pressing it down flat! Use your pipe cleaners, cutting them up to whatever length you would like and stick them into the Play-Doh. Pretend that these are the microvilli in the intestines. Try and use as many pipe cleaners as possible. There will be many layers of microvilli, just like in the intestines. Below is an example of what your art piece could look like!

Share your Play-Doh creation with your classmates, friends or family. Make sure to point out the intestines and the microvilli, as you are now an microvilli superstar! Partner up with a friend and explain what the microvilli do in the intestines.
Further exploration
If you want to learn more watch this episode of the Magic School Bus GI System and look at the microvilli inside of a human body: