
85 Tiny Gland, Big Impact

Izabell Gerbracht; Braden Letourneau; and Michaela Koll

Tiny Gland, Big Impact

What is the normal function of the thyroid? What can go haywire?

Veterinarians manage dogs with low thyroid function and cats with high thyroid function. After this mini-vet school lesson, you will be able to:

  • identify and locate the thyroid gland.
  • describe normal thyroid function.
  • discuss the impacts of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
  • explain common treatments for thyroid disease.


The first activity is a self-guided presentation that will walk you through the lesson. This should be completed as individuals and should take about 10 minutes to complete. There are embedded questions to check your understanding as you work through the material. If there are any challenging questions, let your teacher know so you can review them as a class before continuing to the activities.



The second activity should be completed in small groups (2-3) and should take 10-15 minutes to complete. You should use the information provided in the presentation to complete the crossword.


This activity should be done in small groups (2-3). One of the structures is the parathyroid. The prefix para- means (alongside, beside, near). The parathyroid functions in the release of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, but does not contribute to the function of the thyroid.



This assessment should be completed alone and after all other activities. It should be used as a check of your understanding of the lesson and taken without the use of notes. You will need an 80% to pass.


Further exploration

Physiology, thyroid function, Stat Pearls (humans)

Hypothyroidism in animals, Merck Vet Manual

Hyperthyroidism in animals, Merck Vet Manual

Canine hypothyroidism, Cornell University


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Tiny Gland, Big Impact Copyright © 2023 by Izabell Gerbracht; Braden Letourneau; and Michaela Koll is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.