10 Bloat Busters

Bloat Busters

Bloat is a dangerous 

Example: why is wombat poop square?

See the lesson planning page before you continue!

Instructional guide

Provide brief outline of why/when/how the instructor might want to use your unit. Explain the value of your big question.

For wombat poop, it is likely related to water retention and you could explore how gut water removal works or how animals have adapted to their environments. [No idea about the square bit though]

Intended grade level

  • Who are you picturing as your learners? What prior information do your learners need to know or what skills do they need to have?

Student learning objectives

  • Outline the things students should be able to do after successfully completing your unit. Try to make these action words like “explain”, “demonstrate”, or “compare”. Avoid “understand” and use “know” sparingly.
  • Example : learners could predict the level of fecal moisture based on the environment or diet

Lesson Format

  • What will it look like? How long will it take? Is it online only, in person, group work, field work etc.
  • Give the instructor enough information to figure out if it will fit in their program and situation


  • How will students demonstrate they met your goals? You can provide more than one option.


  • Will they need group tables? desks and computers? an easily cleaned area? access to a 3D printer? Playdoh?  internet?
  • What learning resources are needed? Links to most of these should be on the student page but include any additional information the instructor should have

Estimated duration

  • How long will the students need and over what timeline?


  • Most of this will be on the student page but give a brief synopsis
  • Provide a link to the student pages

Common misconceptions and challenge points

  • What are the likely areas that might be confusing that an instructor should watch for?

Other notes

  • delete if you have nothing else to add


Lesson plans for GI physiology topics Copyright © by Erin Malone. All Rights Reserved.

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