77 Dogs Get Upset Stomachs Too- Instructional Guide

Intended Grade Level:

3rd- 5th grade

Learning objectives:

Students can describe in their own words what can cause vomiting.

Students can sort which food will make a dog sick.

Students can describe how the body absorbs nutrients.

Lesson Format:

Students will be reading on their own or as a class the story of Dracula getting into Halloween candy. Then, students will try finding plastic food items throughout the room and gather one up and come back to a circle in the room. You can then have a discussion with the class what they think might make Dracula sick.

Lesson Background:

There are many foods that are toxic to animals, specifically our canine companions. Food is chemically and mechanically digested in the stomach to help nutrients become available for absorption. Certain molecular compounds can cause animals to vomit if they are perceived as toxic. Some compounds become absorbed and then cause an issue in other organs. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, these chemicals will travel to the liver and compete with necessary molecules. By blocking pathways in the liver, the body is unable to breakdown other toxins and metabolites as needed.

Other foods that are toxic to dogs that can be used in this activity are: onions, grapes, raisins, chocolate, coffee, chewing gum.


Students will read the story either silently or as a class.

Plastic food items placed throughout the room.


Students will take a quiz at the end of the lesson to test for understanding.


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Lesson plans for GI physiology topics Copyright © 2023 by Erin Malone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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