
5.4 Conclusion

In summary, the ethical foundation of counseling is built on the dual pillars of respecting client rights and fulfilling counselor responsibilities. Clients have the right to informed consent, confidentiality within legal limits, access to competent care, and a therapeutic environment free from harm or exploitation. Counselors, in turn, carry the responsibility of practicing within their scope of expertise, maintaining accurate and ethical documentation, seeking supervision or consultation when needed, and upholding professional conduct both within and beyond the counseling setting. By adhering to these principles and the ethical codes that guide the profession, counselors ensure that their practice remains client-centered, ethical, and aligned with the highest standards of care, fostering trust and positive outcomes in the therapeutic process.


Ethical Practice in Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Counseling Copyright © by Tom Hegblom; Zaibunnisa Ahmed; London Fischer; Lauren Roelike; and Ericka Webb. All Rights Reserved.