
10 Home Sweet Home, Bunny!

Where should my bunny live?

Bunnies are small and delicate little creatures, so they live better lives inside the house with you! Your bunny does not need a cage, and in fact can live a wonderful life hopping free around your house. However, if your rabbit is not specifically trained, they should have a “home base” where they can live whenever you’re either not home or asleep. House Rabbit Society recommends an exercise pen rather than a cage, since those offer your bunny more room to run and play. Exercise pens are also much easier to pick up and move than a cage, so that you and your rabbit can move around from time to time if you need to.

What should my bunny house look like?

The bigger the bunny’s home is, the better for the bunny! The enclosure should be at least 4-6 times bigger than your bunny when it is fully stretched out. Adding on to this, the bunny’s house should be even bigger than that if the bunny will be there for most of the day. House Rabbit Society recommends there should be at least 8 square feet of enclosure space and 24 square feet of exercise space, which will be good enough for 1-2 rabbits.

What should be in my bunny’s home?

Your bunny should have a litter box (to go poop in, of course) an a little hidey box for some extra privacy. A nice soft towel or rug makes a good floor for their homebase, and things like hard plastic baby toys and something wooden are good for the bunny to play with and chew on while you’re busy. If you have the bunny outside while you’re home and put them away when you leave, you can use a nice fruit or veggie snack to make going into their little house a more positive experience.

When can my bunny go out and play?

Rabbits are crepuscular, which means they sleep during the daytime and the night time but are awake and ready to play during the morning and evening. Because of this, the best time to let your bunny go out and play is in the morning, when you are getting ready for school, and in the evening when you are doing homework and eating dinner.


5 Steps to Free Roam a Pet Rabbit in Your Home


Bunny Bellies: Hopping In and Out of Trouble Copyright © by Daisy Young-Cruise; Cynthia Gilabert; and Allisyn Baker. All Rights Reserved.